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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Lindsay Dive

    Tried And Proven Low Carb Lager.

    I have purchased some Low Carb Enzyme and I followed this up by talking to a chemist where this stuff is distributed. We worked out that I need 50 grams of this enzyme per mash (4.750 kgs of grain) and mix it in at the normal temperature (I use 66 degrees) and go from there. The chemist said...
  2. Lindsay Dive

    How to dispose of spent grains?

    I do 150 litres brewing in a single day, so I make sure I brew on Tuesdays as the vegetation bin goes out on Wednesday morning.
  3. Lindsay Dive

    Tried And Proven Low Carb Lager.

    Have any members created an all grain Low Carb Lager that they are happy with and prepared to share their recipe. I have just ordered some Low Carb Enzyme to kick off my endeavour to produce something that is Low Carb and has some decent flavour profile.
  4. Divey's Album

    Divey's Album

  5. Lindsay Dive

    20 litre Braumeister - Melbourne

    I think my friend heard of a new model coming out which is jacketed and you can run glycol through it.
  6. Lindsay Dive

    20 litre Braumeister - Melbourne

    I have a friend who is NOT a forum member here and I told him about this 20 Braumeister as he is in the process of buying a new one. He is interested you deal. Could you please send me a private message with a phone number so he can contact you.
  7. Lindsay Dive

    American Brown Ale

    Is there a commercial beer that you have tasted that you are trying to copy? I got very excited after tasting the Brooklyn Brown Ale that Coopers are now bringing into Australia.
  8. Lindsay Dive

    10 minute IPAs are good for school night brewing

    I really cant believe that I have wasted so much time reading all this ****. Why the **** would you do this? For God's sake, there are much smarter people out there telling you what to do, and you try to reinvent the wheel. And may I add, the beer looks like swill.
  9. Lindsay Dive

    Where to start?

    Exactly, and if you want to get right into the nuts and bolts.... Brewing Lager Beer by Gregory J. Noonan. I had to read books, there was no internet when I started.
  10. Lindsay Dive

    Where to start?

    I reckon you should buy Charlie Papazian's book' The Complete Joy of Home Brewing' and do a lot of reading.
  11. Lindsay Dive

    Tips for Lager Brewing

    It is the combination of the hot break and cold break. You can see the hot break forming during the boil. I use whirlfloc and copper immersion chillers and you can see the cold break forming, which is much larger is size to the hot break as the wort is cooled. It usually takes about 35-40...
  12. Lindsay Dive

    Tips for Lager Brewing

    This is what I do if using hop cones. If I only have pellets I use a hop sock. I use a small piece of a stainless scrubber and roll it up into a cylinder and push that inside of a normal fermenter tap which I have on all my kettles. This filters out most of the hops and cold break material from...
  13. Lindsay Dive

    Tips for Lager Brewing

    All depends on what hop you choose to use. In the mid eighties I used to mostly use Saaz, however, I found the quality of the hop pellets compared to the hop plugs differed enormously. It's almost impossible to find Saaz hop plugs these days here is Oz, but, I used to prefer them over pellets...
  14. Lindsay Dive

    Tips for Lager Brewing

    I have making Lagers for a considerable time now. I almost always have lagers fermenting. Since Best Maltz introduced their Heidelberg Malt, I have switched to that Malt exclusively with the addition of 5.4% Best Wheat Malt and 6.6% Best Caramel Malt pils (Cara Pils). Mash at 66 degrees C for 90...
  15. Lindsay Dive

    Mash on a higher temperature

    I'm also keen to see what the result is.
  16. Lindsay Dive

    Beer Can Sealer.

    The Oktober can seamers are fully adjustable and you need a set of vernier calipers to adjust the seamer.
  17. Lindsay Dive

    Beer Can Sealer.

    Only if you brew your beer on their premises, and, they do not retail the can seamers. Their seamers are supplied by a Canadian company named Cask.
  18. Lindsay Dive

    Beer Can Sealer.

    Modus Operandi are in the process of becoming a dealer.