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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    Are Mongolian Burners Still Sooty On Low Flame?

    thanks for all your comments guys.. I have ordered a 23 jet NG burner from Grain and Grape. Found a place locally where I can buy the 1/2" piping, fittings and ball valve so will eagerly wait for it to arrive so I can put it all together! Just need to source a regulator, hose to bayonet and a...
  2. L

    Are Mongolian Burners Still Sooty On Low Flame?

    thanks for the tip .. I haven't actually bought one yet, just asking whether people still experienced sooty pots after a low flame. I found some threads on here from a few years back but haven't heard anything since.
  3. L

    Are Mongolian Burners Still Sooty On Low Flame?

    not as of yet. I've got ideas in my head. Basically taking ideas from rigs I've seen here to boil pots/kegs etc and adapting for a wok, making sure it's at a good height for stirfrying.
  4. L

    Are Mongolian Burners Still Sooty On Low Flame?

    Hey all, I'm currently researching natural gas burners for a "wok stove" that I wish to build. Whilst not for brewing beer, you guys seem to be the only forums who seem to discuss high power gas burners. I've read threads on this forum (from 2004/2005) where people have complained that the...
  5. L

    Auscrown Stock Pot Burners

    Hey all, Anyone noticed the Stock Pot Burners that Auscrown now have? Available in either NG or bottle gas. I don't brew beer but am looking for a high power NG burner for a wok. I've used their HPA100 on bottle and love the heat it puts out...