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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    Fermenting In Fridge

    I'm in a hot climate so i decided to ferment my brew in the fridge with no fridgemate just turned down as far as it can go. it's been in there for 1 week, i'm a bit worried it is too cold, my questions........ if the brew airlock is bubbling does that mean the temp is ok??? if it is too cold...
  2. C

    Newbie Screw Up? (pic)

    might let it sit for a few more days and hope it settles
  3. C

    Newbie Screw Up? (pic)

    yeah well tastes ok, like stout from the fermenter should I spose but the floaties are all the way through. aahhhggg !!!!!!! :angry:
  4. C

    Newbie Screw Up? (pic)

    it was dried malt extract i added it to the fermenter and stired it for a while till there were no more lumps visable. then added the can
  5. C

    Newbie Screw Up? (pic)

    brew has been in for 7 days it bubbled away for about 4-5 days.
  6. C

    Newbie Screw Up? (pic)

    it's coopers stout with 500g of malt, I have done this brew a few times with no trouble whats happened??
  7. C

    Old Glass Bottles

    no sorry, when I said leaking I mean leaking out of the crack in the glass not the cap. Therefore I know it hasn't exploded just cracked and slowly leaked out.
  8. C

    Pet Bottles

    Nah, I don't taste much difference between PET and glass. but there is just something about opening glass over plastic, it just feels right.
  9. C

    Old Glass Bottles

    yeah thanks for comments, I think the guy had them outside in the sunlight also..... if that makes a difference. They haven't really gone off with pressure they seem to leak a day or two after bottling so I'll continue using and see what happens.
  10. C

    Old Glass Bottles

    I recently picked up 200 long neck bottles and bottled a brew with them. I noticed two of them where busted 2 days later, they didn't explode. one was cracked around the bottom and the other was a round neat circle out of the side. so does anyone know if glass gets brittle with age, not sure...
  11. C

    Hydrometer Readings Accurate ?

    yeah thanks butters, i have read alot of them the fridge thing is the most out of pocket but probably the easiest to control tho. i go away for work a bit so don't have time to be changing frozen bottles and stuff like that. was just gonna get an old beer fridge with good seal maybe $100 and...
  12. C

    Hydrometer Readings Accurate ?

    thanks heaps Rob that's what i was chasing wasn't sure if i was doing it right. thanks to others also i know my temp is way to high just wasn't sure if that was killing the alc reading. unfortunately I brew in Darwin and have the fermenters in the coldest room and the best i can achieve on...
  13. C

    Hydrometer Readings Accurate ?

    I have been using a hydrometer to check OG and FG and working the alc percentage from that, so what would make a full strength beer turn out to 3.5% ? am i doing the calc right ?? (the difference from OG - FG \ 7.46 + .5 from priming) or is it from the fermenting conditions?? (27 deg) I...
  14. C

    Understanding Hops

    Just started looking into hops, i spose step 2 in kits. how do you know what hops to put with what beer and what sorta flavours certain hops will give??? I have just put in a draught and spoke to the local home brew shop about hops, I ended up getting a small cluster hop bag and was told to put...
  15. C

    Sweet Beer

    I meant FG damn newbies!!
  16. C

    Sweet Beer

    thanks for all replies, it seems my temps are to high. local brew shop reckons the temps are ok, maybe thats what they are use to up here. i will try to get a fridge and a temp controller for it. OG usually gets around 1010 so should I be using extra hops to even it out ?? thanks again.
  17. C

    Sweet Beer

    I have done about 8 kits now and I'm experiencing most of the batches have had a sweet taste that isn't my cuppa. I've done a Gold clone, Extra dry clone, Thomas cooper draught all of these had a sweet taste, draught was a lot better but still there. I live in Darwin have been brewing at room...
  18. C

    Keeping Bottles Warm For That First Week?

    sorry to ask a question in a forum already started but....... I wasn't aware bottles are better warmer in the first week. If I fermented my brew in the fridge at 20 deg then bottle and leave them out at temps between 28 - 30 deg, would that be the way to go??? Thanks.
  19. C

    Cost & Quality Difference Kit Vs Ag

    I was very surprised at the large response of fellow brewers willing to help out with advice, I really appreciate it and I will continue to read up on AG and at the same time work on my temp control. thanks very much to all who answered, great advice!!!
  20. C

    Cost & Quality Difference Kit Vs Ag

    the homebrew taste i think is coming from the temps in Darwin the brew i got was a tabs brew and was made for this climate supposedly the fermenting stayed around 30 deg through the whole 8 days, which I know is to high will look at the broken bar fridge with frozen salt water bottles I think...