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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Brew Enhancer One

    I'm only just past being a brewing virgin, but my best result so far has been with Coopers Real Ale + BE2 + 500g LDM.
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    Five minutes for a reply... I love this forum. Thanks chaps!
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    I'm thinking of getting a Fridgemate to be used to control the light bulb heating in my brewing cupboard. The web page says "you can upgrade to a water proof stainless steel probe", but I can't work out what (if any) temperature sensing comes as standard with the unit. I just want to control...
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    Temp Control During Fermentation - Please Help A Newbie

    I brew mine in a cupboard in the laundry. I fitted a bayonet light socket low down and I keep an eye on the temp, swapping the bulbs between 25W, 40W and 60W depending on the need. Minimal cost!
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    Coopers Ldm - Product Recall?

    That's OK for you.. I can't make any beer at all! I'm suffering from brewus interruptus and it's very painful.
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    Coopers Ldm - Product Recall?

    Maybe... if the electronic scanners are now also checking the use-by-date as well as the price. Anyway, it's a pain. I was all set to make up the new English bitter.
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    Coopers Ldm - Product Recall?

    My wife just tried to buy me some Coopers LDM. Nothing available at Coles, so she went to KMart and found some. When she got to the checkout they told her they couldn't sell it to her, as it had just been recalled.... it should have been taken off the shelf. Anyone have any info on this?
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    Coopers Kit Hydrometer

    Hi Dion - I did my first Coopers kit beer (lager) about a month ago - I started it at 24 degrees C but after advice on this forum I dropped it to around 19 degrees C. The SG was down to 10 after about 6 days. I left it for about 9-10 days but it stayed at 10 so I bottled it and it seems OK. Not...
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    Cooper's Temperature - Do I Believe It?

    Thanks again for the advice... much appreciated. I'm hoping to move on to bigger and better things with this, but just wanted to get the basics sorted out first. I'll get some better yeast for next time. Cheers. I can see I've found a goldmine here!
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    Cooper's Temperature - Do I Believe It?

    Hey.. thanks for the quick replies. I was actually warming it up in a cupboard with a light bulb! I'm in the Blue Mountains so temps here a fairly cool. Great... I'll let the temp come down. Cheers chaps (...I suspect I'll be asking a lot more questions, but it's nice to know there is some help...
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    Cooper's Temperature - Do I Believe It?

    OK... my first brew. I bought a Cooper's kit with included lager concentrate and packet of yeast and I'm away and feeling happy. It looks like it's merrily doing things and I know enough to carefully avert my eyes from that airlock thingy that has apparently only been invented to cause needless...