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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Did I Kill My Yeast?

    uff, thats good to hear :) ill just let it sit there for a while then :) i just though becouse it was very active yesterday, and the nothing today... i nearly craped by pants :P (btw i used the American Wheat Yeast - Wyeast 1010. and the sg was 1069 when i started the thing.) thanks very...
  2. S

    Did I Kill My Yeast?

    Hello fellow beerbrewers, :) i just started to brew a new batch of wheat beer the other day and everything went fine so far. The fermention startet about 2 days ago and as usuall i left the window open, but it got pretty cold last night. This mornig there was no happy bubbleing in the pipe...
  3. S

    Mead Help

    i brew my apple mead pretty much the same as my beer, in the garage with an ave of ~24 deg C. takes around... id say about 10 to 14 days for the fermentation. just check now and then if the fermentation has stopped. i prefer to filter my mead before bottling but just because i usually have some...