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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. E

    Foodsaver FM5860 Vacuum Sealer Machine

    This UL safety certified express vacuum sealing system is one of the most popular and highest rated vacuum sealers available. The Foodsaver FM5860 Vacuum Sealer will help you to keep your food fresher for longer. Do you ever find things left for too long will end up with freezer burn? Or when...
  2. E

    Plastic & Hot Liquid

    Was making some strawberry wine & had heated my water with strawberries up to boiling & introduced sugar. Not long after it, I got eager and went ahead and transferred the hot solution into an HDPE bucket. It hadn’t been boiling for a few minutes and I am sure it was under 100 Celsius, but...
  3. E

    Brew with coffee

    Hi, I brewed a russian stout and would like to add some coffee flavor in it. What is the best ways to do this? Ive think about making fresh espresso and add it to the fermenter, or simply add the grain to the fermenter. What guys are you thinking is the best way to proceed? Thank
  4. E

    How common is isovaleric acid?

    Hey folks, an off flavour I’m desperate to nail down. Finding myself picking up the same aroma and (although not quite as often) flavour from IPAs/ pales (especially NE/hazy versions) that I deem as slight vegetal and cheesy but it’s so frequent (mostly UK beers) that I’m wondering if it’s...