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  1. U

    Grassy/vegetal flavours in pale ale but no other styles

    Hey doc, Super happy to hear you got the issue sorted. I'm glad I could pass on some of the knowledge taught to me. Nobody wants more bad beer in the world, and I feel you about being forced to drink commercial. With the amount you seem to be brewing, I would suggest splashing for a decent pH...
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    Grain Storage Barrel

    I use those Bunnings 35L's. I can fit: 19kg of Barley malt. Maybe up to 21 if you can jiggle compact it. 23kg of wheat malt. Smaller denser kernels apparently. 16 kg of mixed ground malt. The handle/lid design kinda sucks but I haven't found a better option for the price.
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    Grassy/vegetal flavours in pale ale but no other styles

    Ahh yes the old water issue. Whether it's chlorine in tap water or just the unknowns of all of minerals. I'm lucky to be on tank, but that has it's own issues. Who knows, maybe you'll conquer it and rename your brewery 'Big Bore Brewing co' and people will be chasing your water profile for years...
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    Pressure Brewing Novice

    I have a keezer with 3 x 60L round bottom fermzillas. There is no way I could lift them in there full. I added carb stones on a tube to an extra gas post so I could carbonate post pressure transfer from the actual (pressure) fermenters. They're basically set up as brite tanks. Zero heavy...
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    Grassy/vegetal flavours in pale ale but no other styles

    Have you checked your pH, and do you know your yeast pitch rate? Dry hopping will increase your pH, and to compound the issue, both hops and ethanol are poisonous to yeast, which can in turn cause the pH to rise if the yeast die, and are unable to maintain the pH gradient. I had a similar...
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    Digital hydrometer

    I use an Easydens. The price will probably put most people off but I have used it side by side with multiple of Anton Paar's much more expensive DMA 35 units on separate occasions and besides showing less decimal places (although it measures to 4 in SG), it was flawlessly accurate throughout...
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    Nano vs Brewzilla or Guten

    So I haven't tried any massive beers with that setup (biggest was 1.058 IIRC with oats and wheat) but I didn't have any problems. I did however use rice hulls. I got rid of the overflow on the BZ malt pipe long ago so got used to not running the recirc too fast, and now using it as a mash/lauter...
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    Nano vs Brewzilla or Guten

    A well thought out decision, especially budgeting focus on the cold side. Congrats and good luck.
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    Nano vs Brewzilla or Guten

    I completely agree, but will say I have used my Brewzilla in a 3V as a mash tun without the malt pipe and it works really well. Can recirc and maintain temp during the mash then draw off to the kettle with the inbuilt pump whilst sparging. Probably not the ideal mash tun but it saves a whole lot...
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    Nano vs Brewzilla or Guten

    Hey. So I started with a 25L BIAB setup, then got a Brewzilla 65L, then a 3V Keggle system and now have a large 4V. I did a lot of research before getting the BZ, and I think for the price it is the best. The Guten is similar, but the BZ 65 won out due to the add ons for distilling, and that I...