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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. N

    Diagnosing gas leaks

    Just sense checking myself here more than anything. I've had my keg system go through a couple gas bottles in quick succession. I did carbonate and serve circa 11 19 litre cornys across the two bottles but my understanding is that isn't enough to go through two of them (2.8kg bottle). I've done...
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    Frustrating under-carbonation issue with keezer

    Hi All, I bought a keezer setup a couple months ago and have been having issues with low carbonation of the beer at the tap. The Keezer has 5 taps, a 5 way gas manifold and an external C02 bottle. The lines to the taps are EVA barrier 4mm ID (8,, OD) to nukataps. I've read a bunch about...
  3. N

    Storing unused beer lines in keezer setup

    I just purchased a Keezer with 5 taps and was wondering if anyone has thoughts on best practice for storing / keeping lines clean long term? Asking for two reasons: 1. Got the keezer for an event at the end of sept when all 5 taps will be in use and am not planning to use the setup till then...
  4. N

    New to Kegging - Jockey Box + 30L keg question

    I've been brewing for a few years now and a mate has asked to provide a bunch of beer for his upcoming 40th. I would prefer not to bottle 120L of beer for the event so am considering getting a keg setup for events like this. I've been thinking of the following: 30L kegs with a or d type spears...
  5. N

    Australian Wheat Ale Recipes?

    Has anyone had a go at something like the Green Beacon Mollyhawk Aussie Wheat Ale? Some other takes on the Aussie wheat ale style I've tasted or come across are the Hughie Wheat Ale and Pirate life Wheat Ale. I had some Mollyhawks over the holiday break and loved them so am going to try make...
  6. N

    Persistent fermentor infections

    I've had two of these so far in my time brewing. One with a brand new plastic fermentor that ruined two batches - one tasted terrible and the net was drinkable but still twangy. The next infection struck in a very similar fashion with two recent batches from a formerly trusty older fermentor...
  7. N

    Burleigh Twisted Palm - hops for orange, mango, papaya flavour?

    I'm not a big Pale Ale fan anymore but was given a really nice gift hamper that included 5 PAs - and one of them was a Burleigh heads Twisted Palm Tropical Pale Ale. The hop flavor in this beer was great - by their description and the taste, orange, mango and papaya. I've checked out their...
  8. N

    Significant trub losses BIAB

    I am getting really disappointing trub losses in my BIAB batches. I did two batches on the weekend one with around 32L post boil - of which I collected around 22L of clear wort. The second batch was 33L > 23L. I have had batches previously where around 30L post boil yielded 24-5 L which is...
  9. N

    Things I wish I'd known before brew #1 - or advice from myself if I had a time machine

    I'm still relatively new, only been brewing for a year and a half and about 24 batches done. Thought I would post some of the things I have learned for newer brewers and wish I could go back in time and tell myself! Given how little experience I really have, there's no doubt that those who have...
  10. N

    Krausen in bottle + carbed overnight after bottling = bombs?

    Bottled my third batch last night. Same process as the previous two which turned out fine but this morning woke up to find that some of the bottles had what looked like a mini krausen ring on the top, which didn't look right. Popped the one with the most pronounced ring and it bubbled over (not...
  11. N

    Bottle conditioning - sugar amounts for various bottle sizes (first brew)

    Currently have my first ever batch of Morgan's Mountain Lager fermenting and have amassed a varied collection of bottles to contain it. I've been trying to get my head around the amount of sugar to use for the various bottle sizes based on the various bulk priming calculators & tables out there...