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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Burton Ale - what's with all the flaked corn?

    Hello brewers, So the other day, I decided to put a list of 10 interesting styles together that I will brew throughout this year. (i'd do more but only have one ferm chamber.. hahah). First cab off the rank is a Burton Ale, which I've never brewed before. So from my research this old style...
  2. M

    Wheat Malt - Much Lower Efficiency?

    Hey all, Just wrapping up brew day for today and as I was transferring my wort into the fermentor I took a sample for the hydro and to my shock I was waaaaaay off my target OG. I've been using my current system for several years now and without exception so far my efficiency is 90-91% every...
  3. M

    Stout Recipe - Need Feedback

    Hey all, Just joined after spending the last few years stalking around silently. So I switched to brewing all grain around 2 years ago and have been loving it. My brews have all turned out really well so far, but all have been directly from recipes I've found online. So while planning out my...