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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. RobinW

    Cleaning Silicon Tubing.

    Hi Guys. I'm trying to clean all the brew gear before pissing off for a month so it'll be ready to go on my return. How do I remove the beer scum from the silicon lines to/from the pump. My normal practice of boiling water and sodium percarbonate and running the pump don't seem to shift it from...
  2. RobinW

    Out of Town

    Hi guys. I'm heading off to India in about 3 weeks and am trying to ferment all my cubes before we leave. One cube left so job almost done. I was also planning to turn off the gas. Disconnect all gas connects at the kegs and then bugger off. If all kegs are gassed I'm hoping this will be ok. I'm...
  3. RobinW

    White Rabbit

    I've brewed up a white rabbit dark ale clone and it obviously has too much carafa in it. Took over a week for it to mellow out. Twas very tart. Here's the grain bill for a 40L batch 7.40 kg Gladfield American Ale Malt (5.0 EBC) Grain 5 72.5 % 1.00 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (7.0 EBC) Grain 6 9.8...
  4. RobinW

    Keg Issues

    I got one keg out of 4 serving kegs that flows at twice the rate of the other three. All have new seals etc on all kegs so I can't fathom why one pours so quickly compared to the others. I have the gas bottle external to the fridge, going through a one way valve then into the fridge. I then...
  5. RobinW

    Fresh Wort on a used yeast cake.

    I kegged a couple of brews this arvo and dropped a new cube of wort onto the yeast cake from one of the brews I just kegged. I've done this a couple of times before without issue. Question is, how many times can I repeat this before the yeast mutates and produces rubbish?
  6. RobinW

    Fermenting Fridge tripping breakers.

    Power was off this morning, the main breaker was tripped. Isolated it to the fermenting freezer. Inside had a strong electrical burning smell. Got the fermentors out and found the problem is the defrost circuit. Looks like it has been stuck in defrost mode. The motor side of the defrost timer is...
  7. RobinW

    Tom Clancy's .. Jack Ryan

    New series out from Amazon Prime and it's a ripper. I read the books in the 80's Saw Harrison Ford play the part in the 90's But his one is great viewing. 8 Episodes in series one filmed across the planet. Tis on torrent or Amazon Prime. I love them spy shows.
  8. RobinW

    Keg King Plate chiller

    Not being used here so maybe you can. It's a Mrk 2 keg king plate chiller. I think it's 30 plate. $65 + post. Carindale Brisbane.
  9. RobinW

    Keg Boiler

    I've replaced my boiler so the old one can go. It's a CUB keg with the top cut out. It has a lid that fits the hole in the top and a 32mm hole for a KK element. It has 2 other 22 mm holes for ball vale and thermometer etc. $40 . Carindale Brisbane.
  10. RobinW

    New Boil Pot for me

    I've been boiling single batches in a keg for ages and recently found I have the mash volume to do double batches if I concentrate the wort into a pair of 'no chill' 16 litre cubes. ie: Boil 40 liters. Of course the keg takes a lifetime to boil 40L, **** it's almost 20Kg of stainless steel so...
  11. RobinW

    Split Cube

    Floor in the garage has been feeling a bit sticky the last few days. Today I found one of my cubes had split open. It was still half full and didn't stink so this is recent. I filled it over a week ago. I fill them hot and dunk em in the pool to cool off. Can I expect more of these?
  12. RobinW

    Foaming Air Lock

    I put a Hefeweizen in the fermentor yesterday. Looked ok this morning but tonight it's trying to climb out of the airlock. I caught it before it jumped a bus to the casino. Luckily I use 3 piece airlocks and managed to scrounge a piece of tubing to fit the inner pipe. It was just long enough to...
  13. RobinW

    Ferment ME

    After struggling to keep up with demand using an old fridge that could only take a single fermentor, I finally bit the bullet and went looking for a freezer that would fit 2 x 30L buckets. Took a while to find one but jumped on it once I found it. I'm hoping never to see the insides of a bottle...
  14. RobinW

    Milling Grain

    I've just started milling my own grain. I'm wondering if I should be milling each grain with a different roller gap. I noticed today a few caramunich 2 grains dropped straight through the rollers. I've just been putting them all into the mill bin and milling the lot. Should I be milling them...
  15. RobinW

    Lager Yeast Starter Temp

    I've been making starters for all my brews lately, normally do a 2L starter, pour off most of the spent wort, swirl whats left and split it to 2 maison jars then into the fridge. On brew day, leave a jar out to warm up, pour off all the spent wort, grab some of wort from the brew, cool it in a...
  16. RobinW

    Cubing Wort

    To be honest, I just wanted to check numbers today, my volumes have been out for ages. So designed a 20L brew in beer smith, knocked it back to 17L to fit the Cube and brewed the wort. I got 17.4L out and SG numbers are very close to design so that's all good and it looks like I have this new...
  17. RobinW

    Can you over pitch yeast?

    I'm doing a recipe that calls for safale s-04. I've used this stuff before and it has always stalled on me at 1022. This time I've done a starter. I've got it going in 800ml of DME on a stirrer, poured off the spent liquid and tipped 3/4 of the yeast into a sterile jar.. I dumped another 800ml...
  18. RobinW

    Mash Tun issues

    I'm building up a 3V system but have some issues with the mash tun. Now this is an old coleman cooler, I mean about 30 years old. The lids a bit bent but I'm working on fixing that and a strap fixes it in the short term. I'm getting a 3degree+ drop over an hour even with pre heating it a lot...
  19. RobinW

    Yeast starter When.

    Hi all, Been away from brewing for many years and hasn't it all changed. I did an Irish red fresh wort which was weak and watery using Salfale 04 yeast I now have the tools to do an 04 starter. DME, Flask and stirrer. Will this make a big difference?
  20. RobinW

    Keg Fridge Issue

    Hi all, First post. I'm back at home brewing after a 30 years absence. Back then, before computers even, it was coopers kits and exploding bottles :) This time round I'm straight into Kegging. I got myself a $25 fridge over freezer job which can hold 4 kegs and have painted it up to hide the...