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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. BrownCow

    3 Days Since Pitch - No Activity

    Hi all, I have put together my 10th ever brew (James Squire Amber Ale) and it doesnt seem to have started fermenting yet after 3 days. All my other brews tend to start (lots of airlock activity) with the first 24 hours. Now the main differences are many: 1. New fermenter - same...
  2. BrownCow

    My First Kit - Is It Stuffed?

    Hi all, Bought myself the Brewcraft Starter Kit with a Munich Lager that should have FG 1008. Mine has been fermenting since Sunday before last (12 days now), and the air-lock activity stopped on Monday (5 days ago) but the SG is stuck at 1016. I pitched the yeast when the little thermometer...