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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Liberate88

    First All Grain Ale Attempt. Low Og Reading?

    Hello people, I've recently got back into homebrewing after a trip to England. I was so taken back by the ales that I'd tried I was inspired to give home brewing another go. I've done partial grain and extract brews in the past and they all came out strong (around 5 - 7.5% alcohol content) but...
  2. Liberate88

    Employment In The Brewing Industry

    I was wondering if anyone on the forums would have any knowledge of as to how I could find work in brewing or at least in a brewery. I have recently completed year 12 and obviously (being on this forum) I do my own homebrew but I would very much like to take it on as a career in the future. I...
  3. Liberate88

    Fruits In Beers

    I have mainly been doing kits and following recipes but I'm going to start making my own recipes and I'm trying to experiment a bit. I am hearing a lot about using fruits, berries ect in beers but how is this done? I'm hoping to make a sort of red coloured ale, not as bitter as an english bitter...
  4. Liberate88

    Contamination Question

    hi I'm new to here so i dunno if I'm posting in the correct section. It seems I forgot to loosen off the top of my fermenter (to relieve the air pressure) and I left the airlock in while filling my bottles. After I finished bottling I noticed that most of the water had gone from the airlock and...