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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Frozen Hops Packets - Still Ok?

    Mornin all In cranking up the brewing with summer on the way, I did a stocktake of ingredients over the weekend and found quite a few packs of hops pellets in the back of the freezer. Some of these have probably been there for two or three years, but all are still sealed up in the original...
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    Amarillo And Rye

    Rye malt and amarillo hops - is this a good combination? Any recipe suggestions? Any tips on using rye malt - eg. is it prone to stuck mashes? cheers HStB
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    Cask Ale From Cornie Kegs

    Hi all here is my set up for serving real ale from cornies: A picnic tap is connected to the gas disconnect and the keg is tilted on the wooden frame to enable gravity driven pour. The keg is primed and allowed to condition for a week or so before serving. Gives a great pour with a decent head...
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    Flavour Additions For A Belgian Pale Ale

    Howdy I'm after some advice/suggestions on late additions to the boil for a Belgian Pale Ale. For a 22L batch, along with 15g crushed Indian coriander, I am planning to toss in about 8 cumquats and a star anise. Does this sound reasonable? How should I treat the star anise - toss it in whole...
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    Building A Beer Engine

    Has anyone built their own beer engine? I have an article from BYO (vol 11, no 1, p47-50) that uses a dual action hand pump (i.e. for a caravan or boat) as the basis for a beer engine. I am just wondering how well this would work or whether there are any other suggestions out there (apart from...
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    Where To Get Danstar Yeasts In Melbourne

    Just wondering where I can get Danstar yeasts (Windsor & Nottingham) in Melbourne (or mail-order from elsewhere in Aust) - interested in giving them a go in a bitter cheers HStB
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    English Stout Eg Mackeson's

    Can anyone suggest recipe ideas for an English style sweet stout? I think Clone Brews has got a good recipe for Mackeson's - has anyone out there got this recipe or similar? Any other suggestions? cheers HStB
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    Tips On Using Wyeast 1318

    Time to crank out some English ales for winter. I thought I give Wyeast 1318 a go this year. I have tried a range of other english ale yeasts (& liked Wyeast 1968), but have heard that 1318 give a nice complex fruity character. I understand that 1318 is a real top-cropper - tending to settle out...
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    Experience With Wyeast 3942 - Belgian Wheat

    Found a pack of Wyeast 3942 - Belgian Wheat yeast in my fridge. I think I must have picked it up from the HBS by mistake as I usually use the 3944 Witbier yeast. The Wyeast notes suggest that 3942 should go nicely in a weizen - has anyone used this yeast? How did it perform? What fermentation...
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    Extreme Beer Smoothie

    Stubbie and a blender;video=bottle :beer: