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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. H

    Beer Dinners In Sydney

    Hi Brewers, Has anyone been to a decent "beer dinner" in Sydney? I know that the Bavarian Beer Cafe offers their Bier Akademie once a month and The Belgium Beer Cafe occasionally has their 5 course beer-based dinner. I even think Redoak has one? Has anyone been to a decent one?? Cheers
  2. H

    Storing Grain At Home

    Hi all brew lovers, Apologies if this thread is somewhere else on the site but I have attempted to find it without luck. :) I about to attempt my first AG brew on the weekend but am worried about the the grain I am using. I'm not going into the actual type I have as I just got it from the...
  3. H

    Ag Diagram

    Hi all, After brewing K&K now for about 10 months and getting together enough gear to attemp an AG brew, I'm after as much info as I can get my hands on before on embarking on some "real brewing." Obviously there is more than enough info at my fingertips here but while browsing the site about...
  4. H

    Cheers And Beers

    Without wanting to sound too in awe of all who contriubte to the site I just wanted to say cheers to all those experienced brewers who give up their time and knowledge to reply to the posts submitted by newbies like me! :beer: The wealth of information contained on AHB only helps to insipre us...