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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. W

    Wtb. Keggle or used keg for home brew in Adelaide

    Hello again guys, I am looking to buy either a keggle or a used beer keg to enable larger batches of home brew, as I only use a 20 litre cheapie pot at the moment I live in the north of Adelaide but am willing to travel Thanks again Andy
  2. W

    Recipe Thoughts

    Hello all, I am after bit of advice and/suggestions with this recipe I made up using brewmate. The reason there are some unusual quantities of hops is because I only have 69 grams of hops and I wanted the IBU to be less than or equal to 45.0 (to keep the box from highlighting yellow...
  3. W

    Regulator For 3 Ring Burner

    Hello, I have purchased a 3 ring burner for my BIAB brewing using a 19l pot. The burner is this one: \ I am wondering what sort of regulator I need to run this burner properly. I tried to use a normal BBQ non adjustable...
  4. W

    Rolling Grain

    Hello all, I was able to score some pilsner malt grain (10 kgs) for free. This grain is used for export and is not yet cracked/milled. I was wondering if anyone here knows of a home brew shop here in Adelaide that would roll it for me. Thanks Andy
  5. W

    Biab Og Issue

    Hello all, I did my second biab brew yesterday. I let the wort chill overnight and transferred to fermenter and pitched yeast today at 20 degrees. Before I pitched the yeast I measure the og and it was 1.032, which is pretty low. I decided to add 300 grams of ldme to increase the gravity...
  6. W

    Final Gravity Of Wet-pak

    Hello all, Last Saturday (10 days ago) I started fermenting my first partial grain pak. I bought it from country brewer, it is called the Wet-Pak (American Pale Ale). All went as planned and smelled great. The last couple of days the Sg has been 1014 and sitting pretty. The starting...
  7. W

    Fermentation Question

    Hello all, New to home brewing. Began my first batch on Saturday. I have an older coopers kits with the screw top lid. I bought a Cascade Pale Ale and brewcraft #20 malt and booster sugar to add. I got it all happening on Saturday afternoon. My pitched my yeast and the wort was about 28...