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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Mexican Cervesa + Lime At 2 Weeks Ferment

    Hey All, Just got a few questions, Ive been fermenting a Mexican Cervesa at 14-18c for 2 weeks, and checked it for the first time today, it tastes fine a little week but nothing bad, however the look is a bit weird for 2 weeks. The Beer is still very very cloudy, and there seem to be a lot of...
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    Us-05 Yeast In Cervesa At 14c

    Hi All Well this is the first time im using a Swamp Cooler for a brew and this one is sitting at 14c, just wondering if this is to low, Im using trial and error to get it going, and the air lock appears to be bubbling. I am working on a good ice combo, to get it to around 16-18c, but wondering...
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    Success - Swamp Cooler

    Well, My first 2 brews seem to have worked well, however at a bit higher temps than I would have liked, So last week I picked up a 90ltr esky to create a Swamp Cooler. And last night the brew began a Mexican Cervesa with lime, anyway got it all set and the temp was 26-27c, placed it in the...
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    Sigh.. Infection I Think

    Hi all, Just checked my Aust Pale Ale that has been in for about 2 weeks, and it appears to have become infected, Ive had a few issues with this one, high ferment temp, wine smell a bit. But wanted to confirm if this one was lost, and what type of infection it is, and maybe what caused it.
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    New Ferementer - Leak Maybe

    Hi All, I picked up another fermenter last night, and its got the screw in where the tap goes, now before I put the tap in I cleaned it, and where that screw is it was slightly leaking. After I tighted this alot, Very tight, the leak stopped, Im going to put the tap in today and test, but...
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    Rack Or No Rack

    Hi All, Im on my 2nd brew atm, Australian Pale Ale with cascade hops, however after fermenting at a bit to high (24-26c) temps the Beer still has quite a few particles in it, and not sure maybe a small hint of wine smell. So question is, Should I rack this beer or leave it in the fermenter for...
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    New Or Old Coopers Kit

    Hi All, I went out and purchased a Coopers Micro Beer kit today, however it was advertised as the new DIY kit. Im not sure if I should take it back or keep it, Ive heard the newer one is easier to clean but not sure what to do? CHeers