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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    PT100 compatibility

    I caught up with a mate today who had a question for me, which I couldn't answer. Because I home brew I apparently know everything about temperature control 🤨, so here goes. He's been given some second hand stuff, including a temperature controller of unknown make and model. It does have a...
  2. D

    Brewers Den for sale!

    I was going past earlier and noticed the sign. Checked their website, and sure enough:
  3. D

    Working Fridge Free To A Good(?) Home

    Greetings all and sundry, As the topic title suggests, I have a fridge to donate to someone -- and the sooner the better! The fridge is located in Marvellous Mitcham, down here in Sunny Victoria. Details of the fridge are as follows: Astor Spacemaker 12 (designed and made in Australia!)...