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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. taylotim

    Anyone Want To Get Rid Of Spare Bottles (melbourne)

    Hi All, I have a couple of new brews to bottle in the next week or so and have run out of bottles. Does anyone close to Surrey Hills in Melbourne have a stash of spare bottle they want to get rid of. Please let me know. Cheers....
  2. taylotim

    Are My Hops Ready?

    Hi Guys, Well (much to my wife's dismay) I have been growing a good batch of Cascade HOPS in my backyard over the summer. The cones have really started to grow quickly over the last few weeks and look like they could be ready for the picking! I have taken a couple of photo's and would be...
  3. taylotim

    Adding Yeast To Secondary

    I am brewing a RIS and used one pack of Salfel yeast. The gravity has gone from 1.095 to 1.040 after a week - should I add another packet of yeast to the secondary??
  4. taylotim

    Imperial Stout

    Lots of people seem to be keen on brewing some stout for Winter. I am planning on an imperial stout. Does anyone have a good recipe using extract and specialty grains.