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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. barneyb

    Cooler Bags For A Fermenter

    I hope this is not too low tech for this forum but: I've been looking around for a cooler bag or can cooler for my fermenter, like the 100 can cooler discussed here- I've been to quite a few Kmarts with no luck, and have now started on...
  2. barneyb

    Best Time To Rack To Secondary?

    I've got a Pale Ale fermenting with US-05 that I boiled up 7 days ago. As I want to get another batch on ASAP for the Xmas period I was planning on racking this one to my new secondary fermenter, starting batch 2 in the original fermenter and then bulk priming the first brew straight in the...
  3. barneyb

    How Much Does The Brand Matter With Unhopped Lme?

    Im about to progress from using Coopers kits to doing my first boil. The recipe I was looking at asks for Coopers Light LME but my LHBS only stocks Morgans. I also see recipes for other brands around the place. So basically how much difference does the brand make when using an unhopped liquid...