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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. mookiedoi

    Home Made Mash Tun Manifold - Cpvc/pvc?

    Hi all... Was just wanting to know if pvc is a big no no for a mush tun manifold? Ive been reading that i should only use cpvc... if this is true ive got a worthless pvc one i just made :o
  2. mookiedoi

    Ouch! The Pain!

    Ok Ive got a little story. Last week i had stage 3 of a root canal done. And lucky me a file broke off in the canal. I was told this might not matter its not common, but can happen. So they finished it off not being able to remove the file and told me if i have problems i would have to get a...
  3. mookiedoi

    Adding Hops To Wheat Beer Kits?

    Hi everyone! Ive been reading the forums a lot recently very helpful.. I'm interested to find out what type of hops if any would suit wheat beer. I was told by the home brew shop not to add hops to wheat beer. That it doesn't suit the style is this true? I would love to dry hop a honey...