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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Hpal

    Critique of East Kent Goldings recipes

    I might throw in some POR pellets for a known bittering amount
  2. Hpal

    Critique of East Kent Goldings recipes

    Hi All, I have a shitload of EKG flowers to use up, but I've never brewed with this hop. I want to make an IPA, maybe a pale ale of some sort, and a nice lager. I've attached an IPA recipe, feel free to add suggestions. It's made up of what I have on hand so no extra trips to the brew shop...
  3. Hpal

    Gas leak

    Gas leaks are hard to track down. I like to reduce the number of places a leak can occur by using all barbed fittings (i don't bother with the oetiker clamps myself) and I wouldn't touch JG fitting either, but that just me. I regularly renew keg post, poppet and diptube o-rings, sometimes...
  4. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    This is a fresh one just for a dissection photo. I have been waiting till they no longer feel wet before picking when they just start to have a bit of crunch when squeezed and feel a bit drier and papery.
  5. Hpal

    An All East Kent Goldings Lager?

    Hey mate how did the lager turn out? I have a heap of EKG to use and wanted to try it in a lager.
  6. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    I'll pick a fresh one tomorrow and post a pic
  7. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    There were a few about 80mm long, probably averaged 50mm though. Quite a good size
  8. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    My first year Goldings, 1.5kg wet and a couple of kg still to be picked. Now I need recipe suggestions! I'll do an ale of some sort, but what I'm really interested in is using these in a lager. Open to suggestions!
  9. Hpal

    Vacuum Sealer For Hops
  10. Hpal

    Vacuum Sealer For Hops

    $49 Free shipping. Will suck the guts out of anything.
  11. Hpal

    Damn AusPost - rant

  12. Hpal

    Newcastle/Maitland - anyone know a source for cubes?

    I bought a 25L from Ray's but find it an odd size, it'll fill to 28L hot which overfills the fermenter. 20L cube will fill to 22 or 23L which is ideal I think, I can do a double batch of 45L.
  13. Hpal

    Newcastle/Maitland - anyone know a source for cubes?

    Aussie Disposals kotara. $12.50 or so for a 20L
  14. Hpal

    Bottle conditioning and 40c plus temps

    40 degrees outside could easily be 50+ degrees in the tin shed. I wouldn't do it personally. Find an out of the way spot in the house, bottom of a wardrobe, under the bed or similar so they don't get in the way.
  15. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    where did you find your custom made hop dryer Neal?
  16. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    You're spot on mate! Tried to move the pot, hmmmm, it's stuck :D Will have to try and get all the roots out before I plant the garden with cascade
  17. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    My Goldings is doing this too but only on the cones that are on the end of a bine
  18. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    1st year Goldings from a cutting the size of a worm and it's also in a small pot. Heavy with burrs and cones