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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Hpal

    Newcastle Regional Show 2017 - Brewers Championship

    Does anyone know when show ribbons would be sent out?
  2. Hpal

    KK - 'Fermentasaurus' conical PET fermenter

    I wonder if they've considered the effect of light on the beer given that it's a clear fermenter.
  3. Hpal

    Double Batch in 70ltr kettle?

    I BIAB and do triple batches in a 72l kettle, that's 3 cubes at 17L = 51L at about 1.046 OG. I could boil more volume if I mashed in a separate vessel.
  4. Hpal

    Newcastle Regional Show 2017 - Brewers Championship

    Could someone please clarify how I should fill out my entry form? I'm entering an oatmeal stout so 'prize class C', 'dark and specialty', and 16B or 14D? Below is a copy of the guidelines, just don't know which one I'm supposed to use. Cheers 14. STOUT A. Irish Stout (15B) B. Irish Extra...
  5. Hpal

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    I'm having a go at this next, one of brewdog's recipes with a few tweaks. A nice low alcohol, dry hopped pale ale. Looking forward to it.
  6. Hpal

    What are you listening to

    Just the radio at 3.30am, and the sound of the washery humming in the background.
  7. Hpal

    Rain Water Treatment For Drinking

    I grew up on tank water, never had a filter or any water treatment, tasted great and never got sick. Only downside is Dad yelling at you after your 3 minutes in the shower was up!
  8. Hpal

    Dissolved co2 from pressure fermenting

    I've just put a pale ale on the other day and I'm fermenting it in a cube with a pressure relief in the lid and a pressure gauge. It's sitting around 3 psi, not huge, but enough to get the benefits of pressure fermenting hopefully. Then I got to thinking, I'm bottling this batch, how much...
  9. Hpal

    calculating efficiency BIAB question

    As for my first BIAB, start to finish including clean up was 6 hours, which I've been told I need to reduce as we ended up having dinner at 9:30 :/ You'll have trouble getting it quicker than 5 or 6 hrs, just start earlier.
  10. Hpal

    Hello + Grainfather or Braumeister?

    I"d drop the money on a Brau, if I had the money, which I don't. I don't think I'd spend it on a GF though.
  11. Hpal

    Dead Set Biabginner with 19L BigW Stockpot I use one of these as a thermostat, they do not require wiring like an STC1000. I have used a big W pot for small...
  12. PWM controller

    PWM controller

    $6 from ebay.
  13. Boil Controller 3

    Boil Controller 3

  14. Boil Controller 2

    Boil Controller 2

    Found the perfect box for it at Jaycar
  15. Boil Controller 1

    Boil Controller 1

    Used to dial down the boil intensity of my electric 19L stockpot with 1500w kettle element.
  16. Hpal

    Bread Porn

    First go at Turkish bread the other day with a really slack dough it came out superb.
  17. Hpal

    Grounding of kettle heating elements

    I would ground to the mounting screw, but an electrician might like to confirm as I am just a boxhead fitter. I sealed my element the same as here and it works a treat. I tried putting another o-ring under the backing nut but there...
  18. Hpal

    kerr non alcoholic thread.

    I'd try the ginger beer idea above. I think If you brewed a very low alcohol beer of less than 1-2% you might be ok maybe. It's still beer after all and you can get the enjoyment of brewing it without the undesirable effects of a full strength beer. There are some low alc recipes around. But of...
  19. Hpal

    BIAB No Chill

    You'll get 17L into the cube and maybe lose 1/2 L in trub, brew a few points over gravity (use brewers friend calc) and top up with 2 L or so
  20. Hpal

    First Post

    You can use carb drops, but don't take notice of the packet which says 2/longneck, I only use one or half a one for a stubby. Get a cheap set of measuring spoons and a small funnel and use caster sugar, 1/3 tsp for a 330ml, 2/3 tsp for a 500ml, and 1 tsp for a 750ml.