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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Hpal

    Help Fermentor Manufacturer

    Every fermenter and plastic water drum I've seen has been australian made and good quality.
  2. Hpal

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    I've got some 34/70 that I've been reusing for probably a year. I just save some and keep it in the fridge then repitch it next brew, haven't taken note of how many times it's been reused but it performs awesome and no sulphur which I find first gen 34/70 can give a lot of.
  3. Hpal

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace Stainless immersion chillers on eBay
  4. Hpal

    Hi - homebrewer moving to Australia

    Hey mate, everything is cheaper in the US. Try buying something from amazon and get it here cheap, you'll end up paying 4x the price to get it here. It sucks. Buy your chiller and HLT there maybe, but it can all be bought here easy enough and there are many different options for a HLT, esky's...
  5. Hpal

    Consequences Lager

    A bit of tettnang will give it a becks type of flavour, Saaz is very nice for a true Pilsner taste. Any low alpha noble hop should be nice
  6. Hpal

    Tips for Lager Brewing

    Have fermenting now a double batch of a Pilsner with some late Saaz in my new stainless pressure fermenter, I gave oxygenation a go for the for the first time and had a very vigorous start. Quite pleased.
  7. Hpal

    Home Brewing Heros

    The guys running it are the brother of a mate at work, and my mate's brother's mate, If that makes sense, that's about as far as I've looked into it. All I know is that I'm not a fan of the limelight, or any prick watching me for that matter, and I'll be stuffed if I'll let a camera crew in my...
  8. Hpal

    Spunding Valve

    at least you can get your arm in to clean then, it's the way to go.
  9. Hpal

    Hi All

    Hey mate, welcome back , where do you live?
  10. Hpal

    Is this line on far enough?

    You could marmalade it in a bit further, they are fiddly but once in shouldn't need a clamp.
  11. Hpal

    Best use of 100g citra in no-chill aipa

    All of the above [emoji3]
  12. Hpal

    Tips for Lager Brewing

    My last batch which is nearly done fermenting 50L no chilled, 21g Saaz at 5 mins and 16g flameout, nice Saaz aroma.
  13. Hpal

    Tips for Lager Brewing

    Some good points. But, a lager brewed at 14 or 15c then a d-rest at 20c? Seems a bit high to me. I like saaz too, never had any grassy flavours at all, just awesome pilsner flavour.
  14. Hpal

    Tips for Lager Brewing

    This is by no means an exhaustive list and there are probably many other points that could be added. It is simply what works for me, and I couldn't find a lot on the internet about advanced home brew lager techniques, more so just the basic things like sanitation, use temp control etc. If there...
  15. Hpal

    Different wort aeration kits

    My thoughts exactly, there are also many in internet land who use industrial oxygen with no problems, I'll give it a crack. Maybe with an inline filter as a backup.
  16. Hpal

    Different wort aeration kits

    What are people's thoughts on industrial Oxygen cylinders for brewing? These tradeflame and Bernzomatic bottles are a welding cylinder, so should be ok I'd guess. I have a large oxy bottle at home for welding (BOC), I've thought about connecting a hose and stone to the reg and trying it out...
  17. Hpal

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Keg coupler ball lock adapters I've bought a set and they are cheaper than any on eBay. They've told me that the thread size is 7/8" 14 tpi (7/8" unc) which equates to 5/8" BSP which is what all other listings are saying is the thread size, I have a...
  18. Hpal

    Grafton Brewing Competition 2017

    Is jt acceptable to enter two stubbies per entry?
  19. Hpal

    Newcastle Regional Show 2017 - Brewers Championship

    When is the next meeting Les? I'll do my best but shift work and a baby usually see's to my social life! Will they be posted otherwise?