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  1. Hpal

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    I am currently pressure fermenting a lager, it's at about 20psi and 10 degrees, I pitched a starter of yeast from another batch and oxygenated the wort. That was 6 days ago and it's gone from 1.045 to 1.016 in that time and tastes clean as and is carbed. Pressure ferments rock.
  2. Hpal

    Does volume or dimension influence carbonation and conditioning time?

    A 5L brew will ferment quicker than a 30L brew, and a smaller bottle will carbonate quicker than a larger bottle, smaller volume quicker ferment.
  3. Hpal

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    I've recently brewed this as well, its an amazing beer. Pressure fermented and i put the dry hops in first thing and left them in because I don't like to open the fermenter and it will ferment out in maybe 4 or 5 days anyway. One of the best beers I've made, was drinking it in 8 days
  4. Hpal

    Get into O2 guys, if you're serious about nicer beer

    Been doing O2 the last few batches in conjunction with Pressure fermenting and the results are great, just industrial oxygen no problems. I aerated a starter yesterday and it was going off it’s Tits after 3 hours, amazing.
  5. Hpal

    Couple of hot days in Melbourne $14 on eBay. Use it till you get the ink bird which has compressor protection, then after that use it to control your heat belt or something.
  6. Hpal

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    My keg just blew :( I was surprised at how genuinely disappointed I was, it was like someone just kicked me in the nuts. It was the best weissbier I've ever made, the yeasty bits at the end of the keg were the best.
  7. Hpal

    Coupler and tap

    Hey mate, sorry didnt see your reply till now. link to photos
  8. Hpal

    How To Crush A Small Amount Of Grain

    mortar and pestle would work well
  9. Hpal

    Fermentis Safale WB06 vs Lalvin Danstar Belle Saison

    Belle saison makes a great beer with that great funky yeast character, but it shouldn't taste infected, just awesome.
  10. Hpal

    No Sparging brewing

    I sometimes, if I’m trying to squeeze extra volume out, withhold say 2 or 3 litres from the mash and add it when mash is over by rinsing it through the grain bag. Just enough to rinse any extra sugars, sometime I heat it up in the kettle to 78c then rinse it through. For example I did I a 33L...
  11. Hpal

    First brew

    I would stick with tea-bag hops or a stainless tea ball type thing. I would not risk a hop sock in the fermenter, leave that for the boil kettle.
  12. Hpal

    No Sparging brewing

    I use the BIAB method, nothing fancy, and consistently see 85% efficiency, nothing wrong with that if you ask me.
  13. Hpal

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Keg system
  14. Hpal

    Coupler and tap

    FS $40 Cub coupler and commercial tap plus other Fittings. Hunter valley Nsw
  15. Hpal

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    I've heard more and more that dry hops thrown in at the start of fermentation are the go, haven't done many hoppy beers in the pressure fermenter though, mainly lagers with no dry hops. I'd say if you're only doing one round of dry hopping then give it a crack, and you could always chuck some...
  16. Hpal

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    I brewed a Stone and Wood recipe today, I put the dry hops in when I pitched. It's a pain to open the lid with pressure and it'll be finished in 4 or 5 days so it was way easier to chuck them in straight away.
  17. Hpal

    WTB 9L corny keg Hunter Valley area

    After a reasonably priced half sized keg in serviceable condition, Located Hunter Valley NSW, Thanks
  18. Hpal

    When you are tired of hoppy beers what do you brew?

    I often do a Pilsner, Saison or a Kolsch, very nice and balanced