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  1. Hpal

    What's your main base malt?

    Weyermann Pilsner usually but have a sack of premium Pilsner at the moment, can use it in many beers.
  2. Hpal


    I wouldn't be kegging in aluminium, get some second hand 19lt kegs.
  3. Hpal

    Overnight mash

    I wouldn't mash overnight, how much time could you save really? If I want a smooth and quick brewday, the grain is weighed and milled, the Kettle (I BIAB) is filled with the strike water, everything is ready and layed out. I get up at 6am and turn her on, then have brekky, then mash in. As easy...
  4. Hpal

    Bottle Condition = effin oxidisation

    Doesn't sound likely. It will still carb at that temp.
  5. Hpal

    Kegging Pressure

    PSI is the only imperial measurement I like. Much easier to get your head around than 0.82 bar, metric may work better for calcs but psi works well for everyday use. Same way if you told someone a baby was born at 8 lbs, they'd know instantly whether that was light, heavy or just right, tell...
  6. Hpal

    Kegging Pressure

    I use the 5mm tubing like this, not the vinyl stuff you can get from bunnings. For my particular set-up I use about 2.5m of 5mm tubing for the beer line and run anything between 12 and 15psi on the co2 depending on the beer. Fridge temp about 3 or so degrees. This is just what has worked for me...
  7. Hpal

    Smoking Meat...

    After some advice please guys. I’m smoking a 2.3kg leg of lamb (boned) in the bbq tomorrow. Haven’t done much of it before but need pointers on temp and time so I don’t stuff it up. I have some Shiraz soaked oak which I plan to split into chips and put in a metal tray. Should I put anything in...
  8. Hpal

    Prague Beer Festival

    Europe is the best. Prague is as awesome as Germany :)
  9. Hpal

    MillMaster MiniMill

    You should be able to just put it back on and tighten it up, I wouldn't think any alignment necessary
  10. Hpal

    DIY Dog recipes

    I've brewed Jet Black Heart numerous times, very nice. Doodlebug pale ale, 2.8% abv and hopped to blazers. great session beer. Dead Pony Club, mines about 3.8%, very nice Pale Ale indeed. These guys certainly have some whacky ideas for recipes, they don't mind the hops either.
  11. Hpal

    Article on rain water tank safety

    I grew up on tank water, it’s the best, no one I know ever got sick from tank water. Actually I rarely get so much as a cold and drinking tank water has probably helped that, we never even had a filter of any sort on the tanks until I was in my 20’s. Use the tank water.
  12. Hpal

    Boil over prevention

    I just assumed boilovers were just another home brew urban legend, never had one or come close so not sure what I’ve been doing differently.
  13. Hpal

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    Just kegged this lager today, 3 weeks total but could easily do a lager now in 2 - 2.5 weeks. A combiniation of oxygenated wort and pressure fermenting has halved the time. Couple that with stainless fermenter, carbonated beer at the end of ferment and closed transfers to a purged keg and...
  14. Hpal

    DIY Kegmenter

    Be careful with the plasma, it may fill the inside of the keg with spatter causing rust spots
  15. Hpal

    Building stuff in the shed

  16. Hpal

    Building stuff in the shed

    Built my own grain mill :)
  17. Hpal

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    It doesn't have to be a great amount of pressure, just do it an 5-10psi and I'm sure there would be no ill effects.
  18. Hpal

    DIY Kegmenter

    Here's mine. Can move the dip tube up and down
  19. Hpal

    Stainless fermenter options? - Brewbucket, Oil Drums etc

    I can recommend something to pressure ferment in, like a kegmenter or similar.