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  1. Hpal

    Electric Recirculating BIAB rig, Temp overshoot problems

    I'm digging up this old thread so I can hopefully gain a bit more knowledge and advice and finally try to get my recirculating system up and running in auto. I gave up ages ago but am determined to get it working. I am going to do something like this as a mash 'bag' and recirculate slowly from...
  2. Hpal

    Comment by 'Hpal' in media 'Haul of Goldings'

    1st year Goldings rhizome, it was only a small one too and didn't expect much. It put roots into the vege patch through the bottom of the pot, got 2.5kg wet! If you have a saaz at all I'd love to do a swap
  3. Hpal

    How do you secondary?

    I used to use a secondary ferment for clarity. But now I just do the primary ferment, raise temp a bit for a lager to finish off, then cold crash to clear and then bottle or keg. I think every time the beer moves there is a chance for an infection or oxidation, so it stays in the FV until it is...
  4. Counterflow Chiller and Urn

    Counterflow Chiller and Urn

  5. Oatmeal Milk Stout

    Oatmeal Milk Stout

  6. Haul of Goldings

    Haul of Goldings

  7. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    When winter comes, I'd like to see if anyone who has a saaz rhizome/crown would like to swap for a goldings crown or cluster or mt hood rhizome. Preferably local to Hunter Valley NSW
  8. Hpal

    'battle Of The Toucans'

    Is that 2 cans plus 2kg of fermentables? Haven't done kits for years but that seems strong in a 23L batch. And you probably know that 25 is a bit warm...
  9. Hpal

    Prime and bottle cold, lager, warm to carbonate

    I read it as: -Cold crash, prime and bottle. - Keep bottles at lager temps for x weeks -Raise temp to rouse yeast and let them carb the bottles -Lager again then drink. I wonder also if you could cold crash and bottle but not prime. Leave the un-primed bottles to lager. Then pop the cap, add...
  10. Hpal

    Comment by 'Hpal' in media 'Mash Tun'

    I like your thinking outside the box on the mash tun mate, good work.
  11. Hpal

    Milk Stout

    Yeah mate, looks good ;)
  12. Hpal

    w34/70 fruity?

    All I usually get from 34/70 is a load of sulphur, which I could do without
  13. Hpal

    An All East Kent Goldings Lager? Brewed an EKG lager the other day with hop flowers, will post on how it turns out.
  14. Hpal

    BIAB greatly reduced trub

    Mike Hochkurz
  15. Hpal

    BIAB greatly reduced trub

    Keep us posted, I've always wondered about the amount of crap left by BIAB. Although I don't think it's any detriment to the beer produced.
  16. Hpal

    Feedback on cooper new range

    Rinse EVERYTHING that can handle it in boiling water.
  17. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    "This is a fresh one just for a dissection photo"
  18. Hpal

    Electric brew kettle build

    I have an auber (2352 I think) which works great. 2400w is plenty of power, can't see a problem with running it from the controller. The controller should be just an on/off type arrangement, you set a cycle time of say 2 secs, at 50% power it is on for 1 sec and off for 1 sec, it doesn't...
  19. Hpal

    Critique of East Kent Goldings recipes

    Home grown, just harvested 1.5kg wet. I took an average aa% figure so if its here or there it shouldn't matter too much. With the lager recipe I went a bit higher with the IBU, better to be a bit higher in bitterness than too low.