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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Hpal

    just started

    Mate you are reading your hydrometer wrong. Disregard the alcohol scale, it's not needed for what we do. ABV is calculated using your Original gravity (OG) inyour case 1.040 and the Final Gravity (FG) we'll say 1.010 There is a handy calculation in the excellent coopers instructions under the...
  2. Hpal

    NSW State Comp 2016

    Could someone please fill me in on cost of entry? I'll get them to Brewman to send if I'm not too late. Thanks
  3. Hpal

    Article on Over-Hopped Craftbeer

    I got into brewing after an eye-opening trip to Germany, where the best brewers in the universe are. All I wanted to do was make an awesome Pilsner, and I can make a pretty good one, but they do it better. I keep my beers not so bitter or highly hopped unless its an IPA or APA. Delicate and...
  4. Hpal

    Is there a good ' cheap' AG brew?

    There are hundreds of all-grain recipes that are cheap, simple and amazing. Cheap doesn't have to mean mediocre beer. Try a Saison, a shade over $20 for 20L. Great tasting beer. I'm doing another one soon and you can be drinking it in 7 days if kegging. 81% Pilsner malt, or really any base malt...
  5. Hpal

    just started

  6. Hpal

    I made a mill

    Here's mine Powered with a wiper motor, slow but steady, 65mm rollers and I've set gap at 1.6mm, any smaller is too fine. Good work on the mill mate, looks great...
  7. Hpal

    Comment by 'Hpal' in media 'Axe handle'

    Hey mate, I roughed it out green while it was easy cutting, then set it aside to season then I'll come back to fit the head when its dry otherwise it will shrink in the head and be a loose fit. I did a bit of bodgering today actually, made a bench from a green ironbark log split in half, and the...
  8. Axe handle

    Axe handle

    Rough shaped axe handle made using the drawknife from green spotted gum. It's now set aside to dry before finishing and fitting the head.
  9. Drawknives


    Large one made by a Blacksmith friend and the smaller one made by me using a mower blade. Used for rough shaping of timber particuarly when building bows.
  10. Small stool

    Small stool

    Not Brewing related but just general shed hobbies. An ironbark stool for my daughter.
  11. Hpal

    Any upcoming Saaz for sale?

    Bump, I'm chasing some saaz as well, Cheers
  12. Hpal

    DIY Dog - recipes for every brewdog beer ever made

    I've done the #215 Jet Black Heart and it turned out great. A sessionable black beer, not too sweet, nice amount of bitterness, and great roasty coffee aromas.
  13. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Right so there's some stuff at Bunnings called Eco-neem which is an organic tree extract which will kill my cockchafers and not harm the worms. Beaut!
  14. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    From the net. Curl grub, otherwise known as cockchafer, scarab beetle larvae, or white curl grub, is the juvenile or larval form of Black Beetle, Christmas Beetle (as referred to in Australia for obvious reasons) or any of the Scarab Beetles. Curl Grub is a serious threat to any plant...
  15. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    From the net. Curl grub, otherwise known as cockchafer, scarab beetle larvae, or white curl grub, is the juvenile or larval form of Black Beetle, Christmas Beetle (as referred to in Australia for obvious reasons) or any of the Scarab Beetles. Curl Grub is a serious threat to any plant...
  16. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Can anyone shed some light on these little bastards which are all through my hop garden? I think they are lawn beetles or something and they seem to congregate around the roots of the plants. Not sure whether to put something on them to kill them or leave them be. And if I pour something in the...
  17. Hpal

    2016 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    I have a question. I'm digging up my EKG which made its way out of the pot and into the vege garden. I'm digging up the dirt to remove most of the roots so I can plant some cascade in there. Question is, if I miss a few roots here and there, will they sprout from the roots and then id have two...
  18. Hpal

    WTB Rhizomes

    I have a small number of rhizomes to sell, a maybe 2 mt hood, 1 cluster, 2 hersbrucker, and heaps of EKG. And I'm looking for some Saaz and Tettnang to swap as well.
  19. Hpal

    Rhizome swap hunter valley area

    Hi, I have a few hops to swap and I'm looking for saaz in particular, or possibly Tettnang. I have a big cropping EK Goldings, cluster, and mt hood, could dig up some cascade maybe. Local preferred.