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  1. dblunn

    CraftBeerPI Brew Controller

    That fixed it Manuel! I configured it with dummy hardware so I don't really know if it is all working but it certainly looks good. Thanks for your help and and a great tool. Regards, Dave.
  2. dblunn

    CraftBeerPI Brew Controller

    Hi all, this may be a silly question but, how do I run this thing? I have installed it on a rPi ver 1B and it reports that the service is running (I'm using a remote login from my pc) but now what? Do I use a browser or something to access it? Linux challenged Dave
  3. dblunn

    Purex Stainless Steel Pool Filter

    Thanks Mark, I am not worried about the cold break, I just want to use pellet hops and a plate chiller so I just need to remove any sizeable particulates before they reach the chiller. I currently whirlpool but I would like a more reliable (low clogging) method. The Canadian mob use a large...
  4. dblunn

    Purex Stainless Steel Pool Filter

    Hi Mark, what mesh size do you use to filter out pellets? I'm planning on using 2 300x300 sheets of mesh folded on the edges to make a strainer on the bottom of my kettle along the lines of the Electric Brewery in Canada. I was thinking 40 mesh, would that work or is there a better size? Dave
  5. dblunn

    Let's Freeze Some Yeast

    Take the bloody lot mate, pilfering is a time honoured tradition
  6. dblunn

    SMaSH with EKG or Fuggles... Grain suggestions?

    And West Yorkshire ale yeast (Wyeast)...mmm Mother's milk
  7. dblunn

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Could it be something as strange as too much capacitance on your wiring such that the probe can't keep up? Perhaps the probe is responding but has not made/completed a measurement so responds with the default value. Can you check to code and maybe slow the 1-wire it down a little. Dave
  8. dblunn

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    I think 85C is the default reading when no measurement was actually made, however the test sketch seems ok? Check your board (hardware) profiles on the firmware build. It could be for a different board and using the wrong pin to read it. Also check the data line to the probe has a 4.7k (or there...
  9. dblunn

    What type of electrical socket for the future ? 15A? 20A?

    Hi, I stayed with 15A plugs/outlets because of price. They are just a little more expensive than 10A ones but once you go 20A the price jumps. As Wiggman said, the bigger ones are even more so! I went multiple 15A double outlets, this gives me a 3.6kW element and some left over for a pump on...
  10. dblunn

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    I don't think you have to worry about discharging the voltage on the gate of the fet, writing a low to port of the mcu will take care of that. What is the difference between active and passive buzzers? Do you have to pulse one type? Dave
  11. dblunn

    Braumeister clone no boil

    Hi, 2.4kW for a single batch is ok although the pot is quite big. What about the settings on the system, does the Ardbir have a boil temp setting that may have been set too low? Dave
  12. dblunn

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Enhancement mode FETs are easy to use, the have virtually no current flow into the gate so you can just connect them straight to the output pin of the mpu. I can't remember what the current draw of the SSR is but it is just a opto-isolator so 20mA would be plenty I think. Jaycar sell the 2N7000...
  13. dblunn

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Build/Advice/Question Thread

    Why don't you use 2N7000 for the low current (200mA) and IRF510 (5A) for the bigger stuff. They are both enhancement mode FETs so you don't need any current limiting resistors between the Arduino pin and the gate of the device. The single sided board looks easier to make, Dave
  14. dblunn

    CraftBeerPI Brew Controller

    I'm sure I saw it stated that it only runs on later models, glad to be wrong though. I'll dig out my old Rpi and see if it will work.
  15. dblunn

    CraftBeerPI Brew Controller

    I have a mk 1 pi. Nice but will not run the code mentioned in this thread. Good luck to you, hope you put it to good use. They are a nice system. Dave
  16. dblunn

    Hops outside the growing zone.

    Dr Smurto (of golden ale fame) usually sells Victoria Rhizomes, a very nice dual purpose hop. Dave
  17. dblunn

    Hops rhizomes

    Why? You are in hop heaven!
  18. dblunn

    CraftBeerPI Brew Controller

    How did you blokes manage a free Rpi?
  19. dblunn

    First crack at AG

    Congratulations, you're an All Grain Brewer!
  20. dblunn

    Kegging- if I turn off my gas and the regulator holds the same reading

    Sounds like a leak in the keg posts or keg lid seal.If you can't find the leak just yet why don't you just turn on the gas before you start drinking and then re-gas before retiring for the the night. If you forget to re-gas then no harm done as you can do it the next day when your head is clear...