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  1. dblunn

    Help Identify off flavor

    Hey Manicle, steady on mate. I'm a hairy biker called Dave and I don't wear lipstick!.....well not very often, anyway.
  2. dblunn

    Show us your brewrig

    No mate, put the ball valve on the outlet which 1/2". You only need a reducer to the cam lock on the input.
  3. dblunn

    Minimising oxidation

    Where did you get the stone with the 1/2" BSP plug?
  4. dblunn

    Cinnamon doughnut ale - recipe advice

    I have no useful advice other than to recommend radical brewing by Randy Mosher as a starting point for research. But I am interested on how it turns out. Dave
  5. dblunn

    I keep getting lower than expected original gravity.

    Yes, you're right. I had a play with Bru'in water and I can up the sparge volume and it calculates the correct additions for that volume without any effect on the mash additions. Although if I up the mash volume changes pH ect. so that wont work but dough in is quick and it is not a problem to...
  6. dblunn

    I keep getting lower than expected original gravity.

    Thanks for the reply Jack, I have been using the predefined volume in the HLT method as it allows me to add salts and acid to the sparge liquor easily (I use Bru'in water spreadsheet + Beersmith). The only problem is I have to keep a close eye on the level because when the HLT runs dry the HEX...
  7. dblunn

    I keep getting lower than expected original gravity.

    I have a question regarding sparge technique which is somewhat related to this thread and I would like to hear the views of some of you experienced folk. I have a 3 vessel system with a separate HEX. Which of the two following scenarios would be better a) sparge until the predetermined volume of...
  8. dblunn

    Kegmenter triclamp

    Looks like a teflon gasket, why don't you try a silicon one as they are more squishy and will seal better.
  9. dblunn

    Get into O2 guys, if you're serious about nicer beer

    I used my wand for the first time last night, they are much better than the stone on the end of plastic hose that wants to curl up like a pig's tail and sit on the surface. I keep it in a tube of 18mm polypipe with a plug in one end (Bunnings gardening section) the HEPA filter kind of suspends...
  10. dblunn

    drilling different holes in SS pot in imperial - best approach?

    The larger, less precise hole could be cut with a hole saw. The smaller one could also be done with a hole saw but cut it undersize and use a carbide bur on a die grinder to open it out.
  11. dblunn

    So, I fell asleep....during a boil

    Yep, just water it down to a reasonable volume/gravity. The low finishing volume may have a detrimental affect on the hop utilisation resulting in a lower IBU than expected but the longer boil time could have increased the bitterness! Let us know which way it turned out, and don't panic (or the...
  12. dblunn

    Matho's controller

    Just out of curiosity, how is the contrast setting on the screen? Could it be set too high? Dave
  13. dblunn

    Cobra beer line fittings

    Can you spread the pipes apart a little to give more room to work? You would probably want to support the tubes with a rod or something to ensure they didn't deform in the process and cause problems with the JG seal. Dave
  14. dblunn

    Cobra beer line fittings

    Hi Ben, what diameter are is the outside of the stainless line? 8mm is standard for the John Guest push on fittings but they do come in other sizes they even come in stainless. Dave
  15. dblunn

    CraftBeerPI Brew Controller

    Hi, yes you can use a 9V battery, just drop the value of the series resistor to 330 Ohm. Dave
  16. dblunn

    CraftBeerPI Brew Controller

    Hi mate, Sounds like a dodgy solution to me, you are better off using 12 V through a transistor and limiting the current through a 470 Ohm resistor (you want about 20mA through the SSR). I have attached an equally dodgy image that may help. Regards, Dave
  17. dblunn

    CraftBeerPI Brew Controller

    I think you have correctly diagnosed the problem. I have played with a SSR and found that 3V is not enough for reliable turn-on. Use the rpi to switch a transistor and use a higher voltage on the SSR. Dave
  18. dblunn

    Blichmann Quick Carb....

    Well I'll be ... has there been any feedback on these? I would be disappointed if they produced really good beer.
  19. dblunn

    Water Test Kits

    My local chemical supplier (Nowra Chemicals) sells 5L containers of food grade 85% Phosphoric. I bought sone and use it for rust converter as well as for brewing. Dave
  20. dblunn

    Blichmann Quick Carb....

    And carb-on-demand, all tongue in cheek though. Looks cool though. Dave