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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. dblunn

    Free 330ml OI Crown bottles - Alexandria

    No mate, it is Sydney
  2. dblunn

    Old Keg - Anybody know what type this is?

    It looks like the old style where you had to plunge the spear down through the bung, while being careful not to let the spear go and have it embed itself in the ceiling.
  3. dblunn

    What is faster?

    Reduced water volumes may not be an option as you will need your strike volume plus enough water left in the HLT for HERMS action and sparging. What about a timer to get it started in the early morning? Dave
  4. dblunn

    Mash Acidification

    Hi Martin, this is a little off topic, but when determining the water/grist ratio do you include every bit of water in the system. i.e. water that may be in hoses, pumps and HX in a HERMS setup? Regards, Dave
  5. dblunn

    2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Yeh, I have a first year Victoria popping it's head up also. I have 5 varieties in pots this year and now I have to sort out my trellis quick smart!
  6. dblunn

    Brewing software

    The phone app is good for brew day when you need to keep an eye on the timers for mash steps/hop additions etc and you busy doing something else but as mentioned the phone is too small for recipe development/fiddling.
  7. dblunn

    Palmers "How To Brew" in Metric (or other great books)

    Even when US books have both units listed DON'T BELIEVE THEM. I am currently reading Gordon Strong's new book and there are quite a few conversion errors, for example in a recipe he stated 18 lb of malt to be 4.5 kg. I think that metric is so foreign to them they just have no feel for the...
  8. dblunn

    Screw Extractors - Any Advice?

    If you can't get a good grip on them and you have a welder then you can tack some scrap onto the head and get a grip on that.
  9. dblunn

    Cleaning keg system

    Hi, you will love having a couple of beers on tap. You only need to clean the lines between brews, just clean the outside of the taps between drinking sessions. You can get special keg and line cleaner but just use the stuff you wash your fermenter in, like sodium percarbonate etc. make sure you...
  10. dblunn


    I have just read a book by Karnowski (Karnowski, 2014) which discusses dosage rates for various spices etc. Sorry I can't remember what he recomended as I don't have the book any more (local library loan) but it would be worth chasing up a copy. Mike Karnowski, Home Brew, Beyond the basics...
  11. dblunn

    Matho's controller

    For instance for PCB_5.h we have OneWire ds(8); LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); // push buttons const char Button_enter = A2; const char Button_start = A3; const char Button_up = A4; const char Button_dn = A5; // outputs const byte Pump = 9; const byte Buzz = 10...
  12. dblunn

    Matho's controller

    Hi Dave, have a look at the code and you will find the constructor (remember that Arduino is basically C++) instantiates an instance of a LCD class (which is overloaded) with the pinouts you specify (see The particular setup is...
  13. dblunn

    Matho's controller

    Yes, just change which include file for the screen is used in the build. If you don't it will still work but only the top two lines will be used. Dave
  14. dblunn

    Regulator modification

    Most likely can, as long as the holes are threaded the same. Dave
  15. dblunn

    DIPA-mashed too high, high FG, what to do?

    Go the dextrose to dry it out. Dave
  16. dblunn

    Another DIY stir plate

    Hi all, I bought a cheap LED dimmer off eBay, works fine in my stirplate (also in a Tupperware container). Dave