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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. davo4772

    Most Commonly Used Grains To Bulk Buy.

    Truman, from memory it's around half price as Compared to buying retail in one batch bags. Very roughly $5 retail, $2.50 p/k bulk buy for imported ale malt.
  2. davo4772

    25l Cubes In Melbourne?

    Depends where you are. People in Plastic way out west in Sunshine
  3. davo4772

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Was at Kmart the other day. Soda Stream bottles 400g x 2 for $49. Can't find a link on their catalogue. I think I paid around $40 for one so not a bad deal. Maybe they are getting rid of the smaller bottles, just a guess.
  4. davo4772

    Recommendations For A Malty Esb/pale Ale

    If you are looking for a nice maltyness I have had good results with Wyeast 1968 ESB. I have never used the west yorkshire ale 1469 but people here rave about it as well. As already mentioned a simple malt bill, make sure you use all English malt. Happy days
  5. davo4772

    How Crap Is Crown!

    Had one at Christmas. Has a weird unpleasant Nuttiness that all the cub beers seem to have. They sell the stuff by the truckload so it must be what people want.
  6. davo4772

    Spent Grain What To Do With It ?

    Dry it out nice. Put it in a bag. Give it to a mate and tell him the grain is excess to your needs. Then laugh at his pathetic 10% efficiency. ;)
  7. davo4772

    Basics Of Making And Using A Yeast Starter

    Extract, all grain. Doesn't matter where the wort comes from the pitching rate is the same. According to Mr Malty you need 220 billion cells. The number of cells will change according to the original gravity of the wort. Higher gravity means more yeast cells required. Also temperature of...
  8. davo4772

    Epic Mayhem

    I think I know where you got that Mayhem from ;) Tis a top beer. Luke Nicholas is not usually a fan of NZ hops. It may be the only beer of his which has them. Previosly he has posted here when discussing a recipe for the pale ale and he is not shy about sharing his recipes Just Mention Epic...
  9. davo4772

    Where To Find Camlocks At A Good Price?

    Is the 50% off a sale thing, do you have to ask?
  10. davo4772

    Co2 Shortage

    Better stock up. Article in The Age
  11. davo4772

    Where To Find Camlocks At A Good Price?

    Drifting off topic here. The consensus is 1/2 inch is ok. Only problem is I need to fit a 1/4 inch male NPT pt100 probe into a 1/4 inch BSP fitting. Not a match but considering it is low pressure am hoping to get away with it. Anyone done this?
  12. davo4772

    Where To Find Camlocks At A Good Price?

    Just compared these guys with Geordi Stainless. Chico US$47.95 + $15.45 shipping Geordi A$144 for the same fittings (well NPT vs BSP) Makes it hard to buy Australian when there is such a price difference.
  13. davo4772

    New Years Setups

    New baby, going no where tonight except bed. Oh well, one door closes etc
  14. davo4772

    Wtb: 1/2' Bsp Camlocks

    I am amazed how cheap things are over there. Am tempted but unsure about going NPT fittings. I realise 1/2 inch NPT to BSP is ok but probably better to be consistent where possible.
  15. davo4772

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    I wonder if you can feed a chicken hop cones. You know what I am thinking.
  16. davo4772

    "special B" Grain

    Cheers, nice chart. Although I'm not sure in my experience that Amber is a substitute for Victory. Biscuit would be on the money.
  17. davo4772

    Stc 1000 Playing Up

    'Read the instructions' What an outrageous idea ;) Having now done so, problem solved. Cheers. :D
  18. davo4772

    Stc 1000 Playing Up

    My new one reads 0.6 of a degree lower than my old one. The old one is definitely accurate. Can they be calibrated or do I just allow for the 0.6 of a degree??
  19. davo4772

    Melbourne Grain Bulk Buy - Late Nov/early December

    Nice work, thanks again both of you. Dave
  20. davo4772

    Filtering - The Real Cost?

    I bought a cheapie first. Never worked properly, leaked. Didn't seem to filter well. Ended up cutting my losses and bought a craftbrewer model, awesome. Crystal clear beer. I'm sure any of the sponsors will sell quality filters.