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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    30L Urn with exposed element for BIAB?

    I was thinking of something cheaper, but thanks for the thought.
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    30L Urn with exposed element for BIAB?

    For a stand I was thinking of using a perforated pizza tray and some stainless steel bolts to hold it off the bottom. I saw one like that as part of a brewing setup someone was selling on Gumtree (guess where I get all my brewing gear from) and I already have a pizza tray from Aldi. But wait, if...
  3. S

    30L Urn with exposed element for BIAB?

    I just acquired a 30L Birko Domestic Urn off Gumtree. After researching Birko urns on the web I was hopeful it would have a concealed element, but no such luck. Still for $30 I'm not complaining. So my question is - is the exposed element going to be a problem if I use the urn for BIAB? I...
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    Coopers Stout – 23L

    I think that's just the standard version with the liquid malt as a substitute for DME. I'll have to take a look at the instructions on the can. Also wouldn't dark malt be more appropriate for a stout?
  5. S

    Coopers Stout – 23L

    Hi Peter, is that 2 cans of Coopers Stout because I see some Toucan recipes using 1 Stout and 1 Dark Ale? Do you add any DME or adjuncts and do you dry hop and if so which hops would you recommend?
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    Need advice on RO Filters

    76 views and no reply! Anyone?
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    Need advice on RO Filters

    My filtration needs are a bit different from the usual here as I'm looking for a filter that removes fluoride, not just chlorine. This is for drinking and cooking water although water for brewing would be a bonus. I'm leaning towards a countertop RO unit like this one...
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    First Brew: Coopers Amber Ale K+K

    Thanks for the welcome and your advice Jefe. The SG reading has been at 1.010 for the last week. At first I thought the hydrometer reading was 1.100 and I had a stuck fermentation and was at risk of bottle bombs. Then I realised that the 100 marking actually meant .0100 so I guess fermentation...
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    First Brew: Coopers Amber Ale K+K

    Originally posted this in the Welcome forum but not getting any response (I know when I'm not wanted, sob) Hi, I'm a first-time home brewer. I bought some gear on Gumtree and started my first batch with a Coopers Amber Ale kit, 500gm of LDME and 500gm of Brew Enhancer. The yeast has subsided...
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    Free: Goldings rhizomes pick up only

    Content Deleted by Stuart99 as problem now fixed.
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    Free: Goldings rhizomes pick up only

    OK, seems I can't PM as a new member. Maybe if you can PM me your phone no and I can call you. I presume I can read PMs even if I can't send any yet.
  12. S

    Hello from Sydney's Northside

    Hi, I'm a first-time home brewer. I bought some gear on Gumtree and started my first batch with a Coopers Amber Ale kit, 500gm of LDME and 500gm of Brew Enhancer. The yeast has subsided now, and the SG is at 1.01 if I'm reading the hydrometer correctly. I didn't know to test the OG but will do...
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    Free: Goldings rhizomes pick up only

    Hi, I'd like a couple of rhizomes if you've got any left. I'm not far from West Ryde so can pop over any time this weekend. Please text me - phone no sent in PM.