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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    Melbourne Reception Suggestions Please

    First to say i don't have any affiliation with these mobs - its actually probably about 6 years since i went to this one but as per the site it does have some princessiness about it - and does some very nice reds too - I'm pretty sure a friend of mine...
  2. P

    Melbourne Reception Suggestions Please

    How close to melbourne do you want to/have to be? there are a couple of thoughts in my mind but it depends how far you want to travel
  3. P

    Vb Disaster!

    Our final letter to CUB re the theological implications of their price hike is now available over with the other ones - the true significance of 4.8 is revealed to the world for the first time!
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    Vb Disaster!

    As promised we have now written to the Reserve Bank and the Federal Treasurer about the price hike too! check here -
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    Vb Disaster!

    We at Pyssedas say that their argument that the price is based on CPI increases is economic lunacy - we have written to them [letter can be found over here - ] and intend to write to the Reserve Bank and the Federal Treasurer this afternoon...
  6. P

    Brew Like A Monk Book

    Hmm do you have the details for "Radical Brewing" sounds like my kind of thing
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    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Excellent work brizzy - for updates from around the world check out the forums over at
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    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Merry crawling to all of the nimble monkeys undertaking the crawl tomorrow!
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    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    I keep my clouds in a bucket down here it prevents leakage
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    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    I just checked the forecast for Brisbane and it said there might be a shower or two on Saturday - that's no time to be installing a water tank if i remember by occupational and health safety training properly
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    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    they're BBQing beforehand? Sounding more and more dangerous by the second... PS there are still a couple of spots on the Melbourne/country Vic bus trip for those that are interested - including visit to Holgate
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    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Ross - excellent - if you like i can track down the phone numbers of some of the other Brizzy crawlers - although i live in fear of what kind of nick they will be in by the end of 27 pubs [presuming they get to 27!] Dark - you won't be going alone brother - there will be at least 33 others on...
  13. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Not long to go now will the Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl lurches into action and its your absolutely, absolutely last chance to sign up in the next 24 hours or so to get your drinking efforts listed on the website. [ follow the links to the crawl]. So get together...
  14. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Hi Everyone only 15 sleeps to go to the pubcrawl and its not too late to register venues the number of cities participating continues to climb if you havent been over to the site recently to see who has signed up why not do so check out our abusive letter to the Mayor of Sydney while you...
  15. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Hi everyone if youve already signed up for the crawl please check that I the details of your venues listed correctly over on the page - its the details here that we will use on the t-shirts If you havent yet signed up then dont delay in about 24...
  16. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    1 week left till we close the t-shirt designs, so if you have a bar, pub or gin haunt that you want listed on the back let us know asap. With Orange County, Soldotna, Wieslet, Maria Alm, & Denver joining the crawl, and new venues in Melbourne, Capetown and Hofstetten we are now up to 7...
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    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Just a quick update for this week: Weve welcomed Paris, Dublin and Brighton, England to the crawl this week. Hofstetten in Germany had the longest single crawl of 9 bars early in the week, but Brisbane Australia now has a 27 pub crawl planned. Only 2 weeks remain for people who want to get the...
  18. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Hi Everyone just a very quick update to say that this week we welcomed Adelaide, Las Vegas and Hofstetten to the crawl. Time is beginning to run out so if you are interested in getting involved please drop us a line at [email protected] soon or check out one of the previously mentioned websites!
  19. P

    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Another quick update on the crawl: We now have free stickers created to promote the crawl if you would like some just get in touch with me and Ill send them out to you. We now have Manila on board so there are drinkers on every continent, but we still need many more to rival last years...
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    Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl 2007

    Hi Everyone and welcome to the Great Intercontinental Pub Crawl Update, In this weeks edition: South Africa takes the lead How to count Antarctica? Exploratory mission to some Australian venues Asia still vacant 6 continents, 6 countries, 14 cities, 10 venues! In news that will cheer the...