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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Ahb Yellow Pages?

    They're the mine-hunters right? Anyway, off topic, but is anyone here a sparkie? Don't worry, just need to ask a quick Q.
  2. J

    Ahb Yellow Pages?

    Collins class? ;-) Funny seeing the other people doing lasers, i sell and service a certain type of laser cutters / etchers... small world. Mostly IT, Microsoft / Citrix / Cisco / Alteon
  3. J

    March Pump Bulk Buy

    You're note worried about heat? I realise that you probably only run it for a short period, but i'm guessing the vents are there for a reason.
  4. J

    It's The Beers Fault!

    As Below
  5. J

    March Pump Bulk Buy

    I just got mine, and it's bent the same way as the original..... It also says on it "Opposite hand 30- off"
  6. J

    Mash Rig Control Center

    For those that want switches... Ring Australian Solenoids in brisbane (they do switches not solenoids..) Anyway, they will build a Kraus and Naimer switch up to do whatever you want, virtually any configuration is possible.
  7. J

    Windows Xp Help Needed

    You start on Linux Aaron, and i'll go nuts. There's nothing wrong with XP. As for AVG - i'm sorry delboy but it is crap. The number of virus' i've seen go straight past it. And as for monthly update - viruses spread in hours these days, monthly is just too far behind.
  8. J

    Windows Xp Help Needed

    Is it all sites, or only some? Is it only secure sites? Check in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc there should be a file in there called "hosts" Open it in notepad. There should only be one line that says localhost plus some comments. If there's lots of lines, you have a virus...
  9. J

    Amsterdam Mariner

    I agree with TD. Im actually working through a case now as i finished all the beer before i moved. It's heaps better than just about any australian lager, and cheap as. Having said that, i just tried some of the VB Original Ale - and while not a great beer, it's miles above normal VB. I like...
  10. J

    Belgian Beer Cafe Brisbane

    Sorry to hear about your bad experience, but i've been there several times, the service has always been great. Yes the beer is expensive, but not much more so than belgian beers from the bottlo. Must say i've never tried their food.
  11. J

    Simcoe Hops

    If you get desperate i've got 50gm
  12. J

    Worldbeers - Sydney

    Maybe the stuff we get in brisbane is quickly ruined by the heat, but i've never thought that youngs double choc was anything other than very ordinary.
  13. J

    Stainless Conicals

    Can't wait to see some pics. And if my missus asks anyone during the next brew day, they cost only $100 ok!
  14. J

    Stainless Conicals

    What a great guy you are Doc to put yourself out like that for us fellow brewers :P
  15. J

    Stainless Conicals

    You got it kenny, pics please! Guess i'll have to start dropping hints to the missus. The size sounds great too - will fit in the fermentation fridge no worries. In fact, are you planning a larger one? I ask as i want to move to double batches for lagers, as i only have a single fridge, and if...
  16. J

    Wanted: 6gal Keg/11l Keg
  17. J

    Co2 Bulbs

    You can use the ones you get in woolies etc, but you need to drill out the threaded bit, and pack the bottom of the holder out as they are smaller. Then they are cheap.
  18. J

    Brewers -- Mash Paddle 2006 Is A Porter !

    You're not a real brewer until you brew all-grain, with a march pump, with reverse-osmosised water, in your Dixell temp controlled, nasa-burner fired converted keg boiler, while sipping your mash paddle porter drunk from AHB glasses filled from a nice Ventmatic tap system connected to your...
  19. J

    Brewers -- Mash Paddle 2006 Is A Porter !

    I dunno about the other brewers here, but i find that my porters are best at only a couple of weeks old, and go down hill fairly quickly compared to most beers. It will be a challenge to ensure that i brew a top drop only weeks before the comp, and no time to try again in the case of failure.