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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Justin

    Is This Element Ok For A Hlt?

    Nope, run an extension lead to another power point that is on a different circuit. You may get away with it but even if you do you'll be pushing the boundaries. 2400W=10amps 2X2400W-20 amps Most power points are 10amp with a 10 amp circuit breaker, and I think they are wired with 15amp wire...
  2. Justin

    Skunk Fart Ale

    DJR, I did a Skunk Fart version recently and used SO4 as I hadn't found any US56 locally. It was a fantastic beer and came out beautifully fermented at 18C, I was really impressed with the beer and with SO4. I haven't used dry yeast for a long time and my old efforts with SO4 weren't impressive...
  3. Justin

    Is This Element Ok For A Hlt?

    Just a conflicting opinion here. I use two elements in my hlt basically the design you have there AB (you'll need to remove the thermostat assembly-mine didn't have it). I think you probably really do need two elements for speed issues, but mine have been working fine so far and I've been...
  4. Justin

    Mulberry Stout

    Basic brewing radio did an episode on fruit beers (I think with Randy Mosher ??). It might be worth downloading the episode just for the info anyway and having a listen. I know they talk a lot about how to use the fruit and quantities etc. I think is the website.
  5. Justin

    Wanted: Keg Gear (tassie)

    Contact "Brew by You" in Glenorchy, last I looked they had kegs for $72.50 each. The home brew shop in town, Tasmanian HB supplies are some charming people :ph34r: :blink: :P -Not. They wanted to charge $150 for a keg and then give you the whole speal about how hard it is to get them and if...
  6. Justin

    Chest Freezer Thermostat

    The fans not such a bad idea Warren, will definitely get a more even temp but also at the end of the day the coldest air is in the bottom. You also draw your beer from the bottom of the keg. Therefore a temp measurement down low will give you the best "estimate" of the keg temp. Even if your...
  7. Justin

    Chest Freezer Thermostat

    I'd put it in the bottom where the coldest air is. Maybe put the probe in a jar of water (pass the probe through a hole in the lid). That way your getting a slower reading and it should indicate keg temperature better. But basically you have to play with it to see what works. The other option...
  8. Justin

    Matilda Bay Crema And Duck

    It comes in a 750ml champagne bottle Merc, so I guess it's priced along the same line as a large bottle of Chimay or La Chouffe.
  9. Justin

    Your Hlt.

    Yep, it's the same as the 4108's listed on their site. Mine is nickel plated copper I suspect (hi nicke?? no idea), I actually bought mine secondhand off ebay not Tobins but I knew that Tobins had them. They used to be ~$70. You could try searching round a few other places as you "may" find one...
  10. Justin

    Matilda Bay Crema And Duck

    :D I didn't pay for them. But yes.
  11. Justin

    Matilda Bay Crema And Duck

    I was quite impressed with the Crema. Novel bottle, surprising colour for a coffee flavoured beer (most would have assumed a dark beer, me included) and a nice interesting beer. Bottom line is it's different, that's what I liked about it. I apreciated it for what it was, a novel beer different...
  12. Justin

    Fresh Ingredients

    Yep dried ME in my opinion too. Just keep it in a dry place in a sealed, air tight container (or the heat sealed bag they normally come in). It's far less likely to go nasty than the liquid stuff. Freshness seems to be less of an issue with the dried ME too and it also isn't boiled down as...
  13. Justin

    Sniffing The Airlock And The Deep Freeze

    I've had the nose burn and light headedness before in a chest freezer. Won't be in a hurry to repeat it, it was pretty unpleasant and of course a little risky. You'd be unlucky to get caught but the possibility certainly exists. FWIW Steve, I'd love it if the curiosity of our cat got it in a...
  14. Justin

    Terrible Tasting Pils

    If you want to read up on Iodophor a bit more there is a nice article here: This one states a 60 sec contact time at 12.5ppm (the recomended conc). Regardless, I'm not really going on about how long you need to soak it for and how...
  15. Justin

    Terrible Tasting Pils

    Ha Ha, the old brown bucket syndrome. I've got a few victims there Warren ;) If it bothers you I find a bit of sunlight generally gets ride of a lot of the stain, but I guess it depends how bad. Straight iodophor on the hands makes they a lovely yellow colour :D I'm with Warren though Steve...
  16. Justin

    Terrible Tasting Pils

    Iodophor only needs about a 2 minute contact time and is no rinse. I personally leave it for 5 mins to be sure, if I'm really feeling anal I'll rinse with a litre of boiling water straight from the kettle but that's rare (usually only if I added too much iodophor when mixing up the sanitiser)...
  17. Justin

    Really Need Some Help

    Have you replaced the rubber seals in your keg. Often they will transmit flavours and smells from the previous contents (often soft drink syrups). Either that or they are old and breaking down. A keg oring kit should only cost you about $10. It contains the hatch oring, two orings for the posts...
  18. Justin

    Whos Brewin What This Weekend

    Brewed 15L of Belgian Wit on Saturday night. Pitched with rehydrated T-58 at 22C. Lets just say I'm glad it was only 15L, if I'd done the usual 23L batch things would have been messy indeed. In typical wheat beer fashion it was going nuts yesterday morning and the krausen was at the 25L mark...
  19. Justin

    Beer Allergies?

    Plenty of evidence for the above suggestions. Scroll to the bottom for the Sapporo stuff. If you search PubMed you'll find plenty of relevant peer reviewed literature discussing histamine induced allergic syptoms from histamine in alcoholic beverages. Here's the link for Pubmed...
  20. Justin

    Beer Allergies?

    Annoying ;) :D but no, not an allergy. Enjoy the beers tonight boys. :chug: