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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    2010 Hop Plantations

    PM sent
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    Westgate Brewers Beer Gear Swap Meet

    So, does it cost $20 just to attend, or only if you're selling stuff?
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    Federation Square Microbreweries Showcase

    I agree. I thought the bitter was one of the best beers I tried last night.
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    Citye Of Darebin Homemade Beer & Wine Festival 2010

    That's how I interpret the info on the website too Chad. Doesn't seem worth the hassle, especially when my main aim for entering is just to get some qualified feedback on my beers.
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    Citye Of Darebin Homemade Beer & Wine Festival 2010

    Any chance of some more information about how judging is done? Will feedback be provided? The instructions say to provide one bottle, which I assume is a 750ml bottle. Can we provide two 330 - 375ml stubbies instead?
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    Federation Square Microbreweries Showcase

    Oooh....will you be serving it tonight? I was at the restaurant on Sunday and the Wee Jimmy wasn't on tap so would love to try it.
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    Citye Of Darebin Homemade Beer & Wine Festival 2010

    Never entered a comp before, but this is pretty close to home so I reckon I'll have a crack.
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    Hops From Nz

    I'm actually a Kiwi living in Oz (dole's a lot better over here :P ). I guess I shouldn't have used my Oz email address. Have you ordered from them recently Reviled? Maybe I'll get my old man to ring them and see if that works.
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    Hops From Nz

    Excuse me if I just bring this thread back on topic for a minute, but I just got an email back from Doreen at NZhops, after asking if they would post to my parents place in Whangarei (NZ). "Hi Aaron We have in the past supplied home brewers direct but with the increase of enquiries we do...
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    Zywiec Porter Clone Recipie

    There's a recipe in this thread for a Zywich BP by Bigfridge, which I assume is meant to be a Zywiec BP. I can't vouch for how good a clone it is as I haven't brewed it but it must be a pretty good drop in it's own right as it got 2nd place in the HAG comp.
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    Hops From Nz

    Hi Jazman, Did you have any trouble getting them through customs when you got back to OZ? I'm going to be in NZ for Xmas so might get some while I'm there.
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    How Many Rasberries?

    I used 500g for a 10L batch and that was plenty. I guess it depends how much raspberry flavour you want - in your face or in the background.
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    Vicbrew 2010

    I'd like to help out with stewarding so I can get an insight into how competitions work. I will then have inside knowledge to assist me in my ultimate plan to become SUPREME BREWER OF THE UNIVERSE!! Anyway, back on topic. Can anyone tell me approximately what time the Sunday arvo session is...
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    Help With Designing Ag Cherry Ripe Beer

    Nevermind, I just figured it out
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    Help With Designing Ag Cherry Ripe Beer

    Manticle, I can't offer any advice but I will be following this thread closely as I'd love to give something similar a go. I made a choc porter that I reckon would be a good base. Please post the final recipe you decide to use. :icon_offtopic: can anyone tell me how to bookmark or subscribe to...
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    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Landlord

    Thanks Ralph, I'll give that a go. Do you find a difference in taste between Fuggles or Challenger for bittering?
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    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Landlord

    I'm planning to do the 97% TF FM MO and 3% Caraaroma version of this very soon. I'm a bit confused as to what the currently recommended hop schedule is for this though, as it sounds like it has changed from what is in the recipe database. Can someone please enlighten me.
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    Westgate Brewers September Brew Demo

    Thanks Westgate brewers for a great day. Had some nice beers, met some interesting people, got some feedback on my own beer, and won a meat raffle! :icon_cheers: Next time I'll bring my subscription fee and sign up.
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    Overnight Mash

    Braukaiser did an experiment with longish mash times here. Wasn't as extreme as your 10 hour mash Bribie, but he clearly showed increased attenuation with longer mash time.