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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    Hen's Tooth

    I guess from your other posts you will have no trouble finding hops for this brew! 2nd AG brew! Really? James
  2. J

    Pride Of Ringwood

    I have just used some Super Pride @ 14% A/A, in a Dark Ale for the first time. I have some NZ Pacific Gem that are also over 14%, can anybody give me any info on these? James
  3. J

    Is Brewing An Addiction

    Tony if you can't afford heroin anymore the Govt will provide you with Methadone FOC! How about some taxpayer funded relief for people with a brewing addiction! I will state now for those of you without a sense of humour that I am taking the piss. James
  4. J

    Castle Hill Show Home Brewing Competition

    I wish I had some more time to prepare, but I have a box of stray brews in the garage, I am sure there is something there to test or stress the judges. James
  5. J

    Hopping Esb Fresh Wort's

    I found that using Super Alpha as a bittering hop instead of Northern Brewer I got a nice Citrus flavour that wasn't overpowering. Never used the actual fruit! James
  6. J


    I have taken this a step further. Yesterday I was at the supermarket & grabbed a big tin of those Danish Butter Cookies. I donated them this morning to the lunch room cookie jar. Lets just say we have many people from a variety of religous backgrounds that work here. This morning there were...
  7. J


    As a show of support to those that still think there is such thing as FREEDOM OF SPEECH I picked up a 6 pk of Carlsberg this evening on the way home to show the good people of Denmark that as an individual I...
  8. J

    Pilsner Advice

    Not sure about the colour, but that looks like some great foam formation you have there, and it is still there after you have stuffed around taking the pic. James
  9. J

    Matilda Bay Dogbolter

    As a simple alternative try an ESB 3kg Bavarian Bock Kit, make it to a total volume of 20 litres and you will be not far off. If you are brewing in a unit these are great fun. James
  10. J

    Hop Rhizome Wholesalers

    Pokolbin & Nulkaba are good enough on their own. New plantation in a new area calls for new names! Cessnock Single Mum would be suit anything over 12%a/a very bitter! James
  11. J

    Brewing With Beetroot

    Well you can beat an egg, but you can't beet a root! sorry James
  12. J

    Hop Rhizome Wholesalers

    Their was a very ordinary movie last night called Bad Company. Set in the Czech Rep., they had a car chase that ended up going through a hop plantation. It was off season, but when you see the size of the farm, and those poles are very tall, it makes me wonder how many hop plants they have and...
  13. J


    Aussie Etiquette GENERAL ETIQUETTE: 1. Never take an open stubby to a job interview. 2. Always identify people in your paddocks before shooting at Them. 3. It's tacky to take an Esky to church. 4. If you have to vacuum the bed, it's time to change the sheets. 5. Even if you're...
  14. J

    Challenge - Spam Haiku

    SPiced hAM SPAM
  15. J

    Malts Australia Wide

    Darren Could you arrange a couple of pallets of Wheat to be sent to Iraq? :ph34r: They reckon they spoke to someone from Adelaide named Alexander, but I told them you were running things down there now! Cath ya James
  16. J

    Who Owns A Toaster?

    Sounds like toaster envy!
  17. J

    330g Aluminium Sodastream Cylinders.

    What is, & where did you get the 885 monster cylinder? James
  18. J

    Sydney/inner West Brew Club ?

    An in-formal gathering at The Nags Head in Glebe on the 1st Friday of the month could be a start. They do hand pumped ales & lots of beer talk takes place James
  19. J

    National Comp & Powels Malts

    Morning all I am about to get some Powells to try. I haven't seen anybody discuss mash temps here when talking about efficiency drops. Does one temp fit all ? I want to try a step mash (55 + 72?) and a decoction over the holidays, has anybody attempted this with Powells malts? I have also heard...
  20. J

    National Comp & Powels Malts

    Look what RedOak did this year using Powell's James