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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Ventmatic - Where To Get A Good Deal

    As JasonY said, the Roach Flow Restrictors are for ensuring the same speed of flow from different levels of pressure, or regulating the speed of flow to suit a shorter length of line. From experience, with an overcarbed keg, the restrictors make no difference. Essentially, I'd say it goes like...
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    Bittering With Flavour Additions

    I think that the IPA they were talking about was in the mid / high 40's (IBU). So it was an ablsolute truckload of hops.
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    Bittering With Flavour Additions

    I'm just dragging this thread up, with some new information. I've been listening to the Brewing Network radio show archives, and just listened to the one dated 21-08-05 where they had Matt from Firestone Brewing on as the guest. It also happened to be their "drunk" show. He's a hop specialist...
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    SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

    I'll be brewing mine on thursday. Gotta take the day off to take my daughter for a checkup, so thought I'd slip in a brew.
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    SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

    I'm hoping to still be in, although I'm leaving it very late... and it's only going to get harder to brew in the next few weeks (only 5 weeks till the mini-brewer arrives). Knowing me, and the vast range of beers I've brewed this year (apa's and esb's) it'll probably be an apa.
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    Best Priming Sugar/ingredient

    Although I now keg most of my beer, I swear by Dried Malt Extract for priming bottles. What I did was do two bottles of the same batch, one with Dextrose, and one with DME, and i noticed smaller C02 bubbles, and an ever so slightly improved taste (not more malty or anything like that though) if...
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    When To Pitch?

    I follow a practice very similar to chiller (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ;) ), although I must say, that my last beer got infected. I normally leave it overnight in the fridge to get it down to (or below) ferment temps, and in the morning, rack it between fermenters a few times...
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    A German Home-brewery Iii

    "Das ist nicht eine ****y!" Sorry, that's the only German i know...
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    Could You Do It ?

    Wyeast 69 - Southern Beaver Ale Yeast Temp Range - 35 Deg C to 40 Deg C Profile - Fruity finish. Low Flocculation. High Attenuation Ed: Temp correction
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    Doc, Here's a few references to it in Randy Mosher's "Radical Brewing" Plus a recipe (might want to check his website as a lot of the recipes have corrections) "Hose your nose Gose" 23% Pilsener Malt 15% Sour Malt 54% Wheat Malt 8% unmalted oats (oatmeal) Rice Hulls 28g Spalt (4%aa) added...
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    Drinks Are On Me :-)

    Nice work Jason (and Mrs JasonY)!!
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    Ahb Beer Glasses - The Finalists

    I voted for Coniques, but would be equally happy with the Nonics. I wouldn't even consider anything less than half a litre :D
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    The Brewing Network Show- 10/16/05

    I'm still getting through the archives, but you're doing a great job with the show. Genuinely entertaining, and i always learn at least a few things every show. Top work. Anyone who hasn't already, start downloading the archives and listen through them, it's well worth it.
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    Goliath 6m C/f Chiller

    Another vote for the convolutus here. As Roach said, the Goliath is very good for the price, but could easily be twice as long for better results. On mine, I normally get it down to around 25-28 during winter, and I haven't used it in summer yet, so I'd say for a 40L batch size you'd really...
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    Brisbane - Oxford 152 Weneday Night

    Be careful guys!! Week night sessions at the Oxford can get messy :) Had a great night there with the Queenslanders so if you can get there, it'll certainly be a good night. Mike "wish i could get there" Boots
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    Gls Bar

    /applause That is fantastic GL ! Top work mate. Love the doc pic's too :) I wonder if you could sheath the beer lines in pvc (insulated on the outside) and seal it all (like some of the home made CFC's) and just keep pumping water through the pvc, out an outlet near the tap end, and back...
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    Oz Brew History

    Hey Jayse, You were going to be lending me that book on the night that we had the piss up... I mean brew gathering at Grumpy's while Batz was down. However, I was going on to the bucks show in the city, so I got Chiller to take it home, and I was supposed to pick it up from him at the next...
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    Paulaner Heffe-wiezen

    I actually meant to reply to this thread but I've been huddled in a corner in the foetal position for the last week and a half. The morning i was due to brew was the morning I discovered my fridge dead in the shed, with ice from the freezer wetting half the shed, and leaked beer drenching the...
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    Shirron Heat Exchangers

    One of the hop stoppers that have been talked about / trialled recently should make these plate coolers an option for pellet users ?
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    Award Winning Reicipes

    Hi Bonjour, Welcome to AHB :) I've been reading into those recipes a bit more since posting, and you've done a great job getting all the links organised. This year's State Comps are all coming around / have just been, and i believe that means the nationals will be soon too, so we might be...