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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Beer Taps - Which Gives The Best Pour?

    Ken, i think you're talking to the wrong people in the US. The ventmatics are no way near that expensive. Some info was emailed from the states recently, (whichi i thought you were included in) that they were actually under $40US plus delivery. Just so that those who are interested aren't put...
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    Holgate Brewhouse - Mt Macedon Ale

    I've had one of their Ales (don't remember which one) from a bottle shop here in Adelaide that was infected. So yes there might be some consistency probs. Was a real gusher + tasted horrrible.
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    Holgate Brewhouse - Mt Macedon Ale

    I haven't been to the brewery, but I'll add some more positive reviews. I had a fantastic night (on my own :blink: ) at the Australian in Sydney drinking the three Holgate Beers and chowing down in crocodile pizza. I loved their white ale which i hadn't seen before in adelaide. Definitely up...
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    Extra Yeast

    Two different yeasts won't kill each other, but if one likes the conditions better, it will replicate faster and have a larger impact on the final beer - nothing to worry about just keep it in mind for what you want the beer tasting like. As far as pitching too much yeast, the main (perhaps...
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    Adelaide's Finest On Show In Belgium

    My friends took this photo while in Brugge the other week. They found a tiny little brewery and were having a poke around and a sample when they saw this poster. They didn't mention which brewery they were in, but the photo is pretty hilarious none the less
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    The "gulf Brewery"

    It's good to hear they're selling quickly then Pedro. You just need to get them setup with another tap so you can get the Pale Ale on tap too :)
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    Adelaide Winemakers And Brewers Club - June Meeting

    Stoutdrinker. If you're looking for WeeStu, just look for the short loud scottish guy is i think what Stu's trying to say. :) :lol:
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    Free Fridge For Giveaway

    Full size. Freezer compartment on top. Dunno if it's still there by now tho
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    Free Fridge For Giveaway

    /me: will . not . take . the . easy . way . out
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    Free Fridge For Giveaway

    I just drove past a fridge that is being given away for free on the side of the road. Kiekebusch Drive, Gulfview Heights. Right near the intersection with Wynn Vale Drive. It has a sign on it saying that it is working. ANyone need a keg fridge?
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    Wyeast 1026 Cask Ale Yeast Discontinued

    This is what comes from Yanks using Cal Ale for everything :angry: Just went to their website. There's no news on it re: brewers yeast, but it seems while they're discontinuing beer yeasts, they're expanding their wine yeasts.
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    Hand Pumped Ales @ The Nags Head (sydney)

    I'm going to be in Sydney just after this but i might head out to have a try of what's left over :) How many taps do the normally run with the real ale? I was going to head out to Paddy's for a look but this looks closer and more cab friendly from the city anyway. btw - wasn't going to reply...
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    I've been to Redoak a few times now (not recently though) and every time i went, there wasn't a beer that i didn't like. I particularly remember enjoying the organic pale ale and oatmeal stout. I can't remember the other beers i tried (there were a few) unfortunately. Yes it's expensive ... but...
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    New Web Site

    Thanks for the link BigD. I like the idea of the website. Cheers
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    Is This Site Now The Craftbrewers Sales Site

    I have no problem at all with what Ross has done to date. Yes he's very busy on the board, but then, so are other people. Up till now he's made the effort to keep the line between Craftbrewer, and Ross the Homebrewer seperated, and from the posts i have read, he has only posted commercial...
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    Timothy Taylor Landlord Ale

    Tell you what Ken, when I start volunteering you for stuff, you can volunteer me for stuff <_< . Deal? :P
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    Timothy Taylor Landlord Ale

    sorry to go slightly off topic on you, but I've arranged the Royal Oak in O-Connell Street Nth Adelaide to order in a case or two of the Landlord. Should be in in the next week or two if any adelaidians want to try the real thing.
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    The "gulf Brewery"

    That's good news Pedro. I'm looking forward to gulf brewery being around the place a bit more. Be sure to let us know where it's at :)
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    Man Vs Machine Who Will Win

    (I'll preface this post with: I know very little about the technicalities of boxing) I went down to the local dive to watch the fight last night. While on a personal level i would have preferred Green to win, i thought he got comprehensively out-boxed. He hardly landed anything decent on...
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    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    Like Kai, i did a no chill brew on big brew day, and mine is currently sitting on the laundry floor. What are the opinions on long term storage at room temp vs at fridge temps? I know the ESB / Grumpy's wort kits were stored at room temps at the shops and stuff. The only thing i can think that...