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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. shonky

    Interest In A South/eastern Suburbs Brewgroup For Sydney

    Bump. Inner-west, eastern suburbs, south Sydney brewers. Interested in setting up a beer club or joining a BJCP study group? Post interest here. Cheers
  2. shonky

    Interest In A South/eastern Suburbs Brewgroup For Sydney

    Hi All, Count me in for the meetings. I am in Redfern and can give a lift to neighbours in Alexandria. Although usually I am not too favourable to drinking and driving. As for the bulk buys, I am not too sure, because I mainly do extract or mini mash brewing, on a mini fermenter :lol...
  3. shonky

    Interest In A South/eastern Suburbs Brewgroup For Sydney

    Count me in for the club idea (not so much bulk buy as IMO grain is cheap and I like to be flexible). Once a month sounds good. I live in Alexandria and rely on public transport which could be a problem. Any other inner-west, south sydney people interested in studying for BJCP qualifications...
  4. shonky

    Brew Addition - stinging nettles

    I grew up in a village in the UK and once a year my sister used to make nettle wine (it wasn't alcoholic). I probably haven't tried it in over 20 years but you have brought the memories of it flooding back. Unique flavour, really refreshing and moorish. Been racking my brain trying to...
  5. shonky

    1st & Last Dry Hop Attempt

    G'day Norm. I 'norm'ally just put the plug whole into the hop bag. It will soak up and expand. I don't think you'll have too much problem with grassyness as long as the hops are relatively fresh and you don't keep them soaking for more than 3-4 weeks. (I know Saaz is supposed to be esp prone...
  6. shonky

    1st & Last Dry Hop Attempt

    FWIW I generally use the small hop bags in the 2ndry when I dry hop and although they are a bit of a tight fit (esp getting them out). Does the job nicely. Alternatively have you tried syphoning? I find this leaves the majority of the hops behind if using plugs or flowers. Cheers
  7. shonky

    Ag Brewery Set Up

    G'day boozer. I've got a similar setup to your, other than I pump the water from the HLT into the mash tun (underlet). Also had to build in a portable element to my brewery design. Sometimes brew at my house, sometimes my mates so built in a bit of slack. As you can see I plumbed my march...
  8. shonky

    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    Thanks for helping me narrow in on one option TD :D I like your line of thinking though. Cheers, that doesn't seem like a bad option. As for the additional saflager that's another bloody option - I might have to see if Gerards got any. Decisions decisions... thanks
  9. shonky

    The "no Chiller" Method

    Cheers TD, I have waded through most of the 25 odd pages at some point. I must have missed your post. Cheers for the feedback, and yours MAH, makes me feel more comfortable. Still in two minds though. Should I experiment on this most important of batches. My brain ramblings are going...
  10. shonky

    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    Seeing as I've not heard from anyone who has carried out a no-chill pils who wants to comment on the results (esp in regards to DMS) I'm opting for chilling both batches. Bumped to give this one more chance (need to make another yeast starter with my saflager yeast tonight otherwise) Cheers Jon
  11. shonky

    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    Cheers Darren. Risk of infection? Possibly but v. low from other peoples responses. Before going AG in Dec I brewed Matt D's wort kits for a number of years and don't think I ever had an infected batch. I do have a counter flow chiller, but it's not time that's the issue. Fridge space is at...
  12. shonky

    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    Planning on doing a double batch of AG pilsner at the weekend and am considering using the no-chill method for the second 40lt batch and keeping it until I have more fridge space and yeast to ferment it. Reading on he recent DMS post that lighter coloured beers especially are prone to DMS. I'm...
  13. shonky

    Cascade 1st Harvest '06

    Hi Sinkas, I tried the same one when I was in Tassie 2 years ago and I must admit had exactly the same opinion. I bought a case with a friend after doing a brewery tour and hearing how they (the brewers from Cascade themselves) pick the flowers fresh of the vine and then dump them, fresh, into...
  14. shonky

    Birthday Drinks

    Not a chance Doc. Canes are going to get rolled for sure. Go The Tahs!
  15. shonky

    Best Real Ale In Australia? Yes In My Opinion

    Was dragged along kicking and screaming to a wedding gifts showroom in Balmain last night. (BTW why are all the wedding gifts things girls can get excited about, but nothing for the boys. The only thing remotely exciting for a bloke was some beer glasses and BBQ tongs!) :excl: Anyway this...
  16. shonky

    The Results Speak For Themselves

    Call me a cynic, flame suit zipped up, but.. Did WAL happen to enter 40 different beers in each comp, X-Tract around 30 times and Rapid Creek 20 times? :P
  17. shonky

    25l Plastic Containers

    Hi BB, The hot break forms during the boil, if you are whirlpooling or syphoning you will leave this behind (with the hops). The cold break consists of proteins formed as the wort cools - this will be what you are left with in your cube. Hope this helps clarify Shonky
  18. shonky

    Ag: Flaked/torrified/rolled

    Hi Oblomov, I recently brewed a Wit and got hold of the flaked wheat (after painful searches around half of Sydney by my brewing buddy :angry: ) from GNC Live well in Glebe, NSW. They have quite a lot of stores across the country so you should be able to find one close by. Check out their...
  19. shonky

    Mash Demo-randwick

    I also have fond memories of ESB. I saw my first mash demo there in about '98. It's only taken me about 8 years to get to my first AG, but the shop has been an inspiration to many a Sydney brewer. A friend of a friend (can't remember his name) used to regularly make the trip down from the...
  20. shonky

    Castle Hill Show Home Brewing Competition

    Hi Gerard, Sean and I were going to put in our first 3 AGs to get some feedback. We were going to do a drop to Drummoyne on Sat morning but if you are going to be anywhere near Alexandria in the mean time then would really appreciate it if you could help. No biggy if you can't. Cheers Jon