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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Justa adding my notes to my beer cont. 1. Duff - RyeIPA 2. Stuster - American Rye- ready to drink - WLP320 3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later. 4. Trent - Nut Brown Ale - Ready to Drink. Wyeast 1028. 5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink. WLP029/US56 mix...


    Yeah, i tried it on tap at the Beer Fest at the rocks in Syd also. Bloody good beer, and very adapted to the masses, i.e not a complete hop slap in the face, but a malt/hop balance and very drinkable,one after another. I think they will attract a drinker who is keen on flavour/hops, and then...

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Philmac, Man, what a drama ........................... Good on you for following it through to the finish line though. Only if you had asked, i have stacks of bottles i could have helped you out with ! Anyway, I am going into the garage right now to bottle mine :unsure: to drop at...

    Who Filters Their Brewing Water

    Cheers mate! :D

    Who Filters Their Brewing Water

    Ross, Can i ask you,(as i feel you are the filter guru!) what filter cartridge do you recomend for water treatment? Its all getting a bit conflicting to me.? I want one that filters the chloromines out? if possible........... I want one filter to be effective to my HLT....... I really want to...

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Well, my brew is on its last couple of bubles from the fermenter as i speak, but it will be bottled and delivered to Beerslayer on Sat. Cold conditioned not..........

    Sunbeam Beer Mate

    I wonder if we will be seing these in a few years time at garage sales! Thats when i will buy one. How many more of these type of gizmos will they try and flog?

    Post Christmas Drinks?

    Linz, To minimise the risk of any more type 2 amongst fellow brewers, i am willing to take the case for the team. :P na, just joshn.........count me in :)

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Cmon Stuster, You know that nothin sub-standard comes out of a RIMS :D

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    I have made a change to my contribution, due to my work commitments of the last month. No longer will it be Sweet Stout, i will now be a APA that is sitting in a cube cold ,no chill method. Will hit the fermenter today. Hope this is ok, cheers 1. Duff - RyeIPA 2. Stuster - American Rye 3...

    Castle Hill Brewing Competition

    Well done Castle Hill Comp ! Pity i could make it to help out on the day, bloody work..... My wife say's that photo has more 'chins' than a chineese phone book :P Cheers

    Judging Standards And Fake Entries

    OK my go :P How bout you do the BJCP exam............ then bash the crap out of it! Then enter a comp that isnt BJCP........... Smell the roses.....

    Wooden Cask

    I can sense a bulk buy comi'n on I can sense a bulk buy com'n on...........! :beerbang:

    Frankos Anawbs Experience

    I know that if I had the money spare, I would complete such a program rather than wasting the money of trying to come up with the next gadget that will improve the efficiency of my backyard brewery by an entire 1.3%. My Bjcp course cost me sweet bugger all ( say Sixty bucks and time ) So what...

    White Labs Liquid Yest How Long Is Too Old?

    I love bringing a yest back from the dead :P , but apaprt from getting into dry yeasts again (after a 10yr break) i still love the fact that i can dump a liquid yeast at a cost of $15 and have no worries with my next ferment. The 'big boys' cant do this as cost effective (unless they are using...

    Mash Paddle 2007, Is It A Lager, An Ale? - It's A Kolsch!

    Trough Lolly, I guess your right re: 'Fru' and i may have got a bad example. It was in hand luggage, and treated with kit gloves by my bro,but it didnt help. Guess i will have to get over there and test it for myself. And yeah,gloves are off............ :P Cheers

    Craftbrewer Service

    Morrie0069, I back your claim too. I put an order in with Ross lat one arvo and couldnt be bothered transfering funds at the time. Next morning its at my door ! I promptly paid Ross but nowhere near as prompt as my delivery. I love the fact i can plan a brew,order it, and when my boil is...

    Mash Paddle 2007, Is It A Lager, An Ale? - It's A Kolsch!

    A lovely choice of style ! I love Koelsch, and without a word of a lie i am drinking my best Koelsch to date! I brew it a fair bit and have had mixed results/failures. I wish the comp was next week ! anyway. My brother brought me back a commercial example from Germany called 'Fruh' ( i think...

    Goodbye And Good Luck Berp

    Well Berp, If ya cant handle it with the big boys in Sydney, get out and come back when ya got a rims ! Cheers mate, :beerbang:

    The 2006 Nsw Homebrewing Championships

    Good onya Peve ! keep posting too!. I was on the Stout table and yep you did a bloody good job as Steward ! Cya next time cheers :beerbang: