Yes but I think the main point from some of those posts is that break material shouldnt influence a hydrometer reading (does a boat float higher on a lake with fish in it, than it does on a lake with no fish? no it doesnt), whereas it could affect a refractometer reading.
Interesting question. If you submit an infected and a sublime beer, do you deserve the score for the sublime one? Both were in theory representative of your brewing practices. I guess I can agree the higher score should prevail.
5.2 stabiliser is useful if your water has some buffering capacity which prevents the mash getting to the pH it wants to be at, eg perth tap water at pH 8.5. Apart from a small amount of bicarbonate from exposure to atmospheric CO2, rain water has negligible buffering capacity, why use pH...
I dont think you can view each process in isolation. How much effort you put into recirc depends on how you crush and how you boil. I like to crush to flour, I dont recirc till clear, but I boil the absolute crap out of it for 80 minutes with the NASA turned up to 11. If I was one of those...
I spent a week with campylobacter, and if there is any chance of getting that from this cider approach, then I wouldnt go anywhere near it, cos it really does make you wish you were dead, although it is also a good way to lose 6 kg.
I personally dont belive that a few stray yeast cells in a fermenter would cause a krausen within hours of brewing and before pitching, whereas a bacterial type infection which grows orders of magnitude faster than yeast could do that.
I have done maybe 200 brews in a 44 l esky which is actually full once Promash thinks it has 39 l in it, due to the old hollow lid thing. Standard batch size is 44 l, starting gravity anywhere from 1.030 to 1.075. The esky size works well for those double batches, as it is reasonably full and...
When you recirc, you might find it better to have the tube on the tun outlet, and use 2 jugs. Then you arent splashing the runnings as much which isnt likely to be a problem but might as well avoid it if you can. And you can have a continuous outflow, instead of turning the tap off after each...
Case swap day is 19 Dec.
I have sent a pm to all concerned let me know if you didnt get it.
This year we have:
More participants than ever before.
The bloke who brewed the best beer in any category in Australia this year is participating. How good is that?
The bloke who brewed the best light...
Seriously, so much less effort if you find a wall, put ugly freezer behind, put taps in front. First 50 ml of beer completely cools tap and line, no python, no glycol, no huge expense, no straining compressor, nicely poured beer.
Starsan is a very bad idea. I used something similar, phosphoric with a surfactant as my soapy water source for ages. I probably mixed it much stronger than recommended. Then all my John Guest fittings fell apart, the plastic perished and the little stainless teeth fell out. Replaced the...
Good point. This is a batch of pale ale, I was short on volume and all the break went into the second fermenter. I didnt bother marking which was which, but these both had a pack of US05 pitched. The flash makes it hard to see, but with light coming through the fermenter, I would guess the...
Update on the case swap members.
There may be another vacancy, still trying to find out.
1 Guest Lurker
2 Katie Replaced by NME
3 Kook
4 Doogiechap
5 WitWonder
6 Goat
7 ausdb
8 Mika
9 Randyrob - Nein Lives!
10 clay
11 brendanos
12 barfridge (lucky 13! and never learned to count)...
I use an immersion chiller. But, I do double batches, and I am not at all careful about draining the kettle. The first fermenter is pretty much clear of break. The second fermenter gets nearly all the break as I have abandoned all removal methods and drain as much as I can. The two...
Sorry missed this. Dispensation is now officially applied to allow one case swap member only to provide beer in glass, on the basis that there seems little risk of them causing problems in this case.