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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. G

    Taking The Dive Into Ag

    I think you are making it harder on yourself doing a half batch. Things like heat losses in the tun, losses at the base of the kettle or tun, are a greater percentage doing a smaller batch. So it would be easier to hit your temps and gravities doing a full batch.
  2. G

    Longer Boils - Any Problem

    And how are you going with consistency? My problem with adding hops at the start of the boil is that different malts and different maltster products behave differently at the start of the boil, especially in the way they break, which can take hop components out of the boil. To get consistent...
  3. G

    Longer Boils - Any Problem

    Rubbish. Mash for 45 to 60, boil for 90, hop for 60.
  4. G

    Have Beer, Will Travel.

    The gas level will be fine, but the stuff at the bottom will get resuspended. Personally I would do a pressurised keg to keg transfer first to leave the crap behind.
  5. G

    Deleting Posts You Made While Wasted

    But if it is something you would really like removed, you could report it yourself using the report button, add a request, and a mod could get rid of it for you.
  6. G

    Fill A Bottle From A Fire Extinguisher

    Seriously, if you have to ask, you shouldnt be doing it. You dont have a bottle of gas, you have a bottle of liquid. It is possible to move liquid CO2 from one bottle to another, but if in the process you create the situation where some of the liquid turns rapidly back into a gas, which...
  7. G

    Water Level Sensors

    Like Roger Mellie I work with these things for a living. Ultrasonic sensors and flow meters at the cheaper end would be the least reliable in my experience, mass is going to be the most reliable. But for the idea of a tube filling from the bottom and measuring the sealed in pressure, the more...
  8. G

    Recipe Ideas?

    Hey Alby Living in Broome, the best beer you will make will be the first one you do in your temperature controlled fridge, regardless of what kit you use.
  9. G

    Zinc For Beer

    Too much zinc is also bad for yeasties. Save yourself the trouble and use a measured dose of nutrient.
  10. G

    Sheaf Stout Is The Best Value Aussie Brew

    Roy at TWOC. When I asked Neville at Gryphon previously he couldnt get it, but it is the same supplier so I asume that now he could. We now return you to your stout discussions. Cant contribute to that, I only drink my own.
  11. G

    Other Hobbies Of Interest?

    Cycling cos otherwise I would have to drink less beer. Moved forums.
  12. G

    Ale Houses/tied Houses/outlets/brewbars

    Colonial microbrewery have done it in Perth, buying a pub (The Royal) as an outlet for their beers. But it hasnt worked that well because it seems to still have a semi independent setup. Apparently the people running the pub decide which beers they want on tap, which means Deans best seasonals...
  13. G

    Homegrown Mill (nearly Finished)

    Aha! I was just wondering why everyone uses solid rollers if pipes will work, but I think that is the answer right there.
  14. G

    Using Australian Malts or having prostate problems? Read This...

    I'm gonna alter the title to be more descriptive of 90% of the posts.
  15. G

    Reverse Osmoses

    Hi Foles I am on the Maylands side of Bayswater. If I dont use camden tablets to drop the chlorine I can taste chlorophenols, especially in cascade type beers. The water has a pH well over 8 and is well buffered, so for light beers I add some acid as well.
  16. G

    Ahb Polos- Payment And Other Miscellaneous Discussion

    The way to go back up to 2 years on your account with netbank is instead of just looking at the statement, do a search on transactions, lets you go back further than the standard statement view. Then export them to excel and reconcile.
  17. G

    Forgot The Yeast Nutrient - Can I Add It Later

    What malt? If imported maybe dont bother. If Australian, then the zinc in the nutrient seems to make a big difference. If not using in the kettle, then I would 1) boil it to be safe and 2) cut back the amount a bit because I think the recommended dosage allows for some to be left behind in the...
  18. G

    Milling For Steeping

    Crystal and chocolate malts are quite kilned and brittle and friable, it doesnt really matter what gap you use, they disintegrate. Gap setting is important for base malt which has been kilned to low levels and is more flexible on the way through the mill. Umm, I hoped you steeped the pilsner...
  19. G

    Chiller Lid - Something New?

    To reiterate my original point. The great thing about this design is that a molecule of wort with a large amount of vibrational energy has no more than about 50 mm of conductive fluid to transmit its energy to the low energy reservoir represented by the closest copper coil, and the temperature...
  20. G

    Chiller Lid - Something New?

    Very nice, it will do the job nicely. But its the lazy mans version, where the cooling pipes are evenly distributed through the liquid and so there is no need to move the liquid around. Just one of those coils, plus taking the effort to squidge the lid up and down and move the liquid across...