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  1. SJW

    What to do with 500g of 2% A/A Tettnang

    So a Dort. Export it is. With 50g of 2% Tet @ 90, 60, 30, 15, & 5 min.
  2. SJW

    What to do with 500g of 2% A/A Tettnang

    OK, Sounds cool, just use it all through the boil and see how it turns out.
  3. SJW

    What to do with 500g of 2% A/A Tettnang

    Im sick of this being in my freezer and now want to use them up. Being so low in A/A I have been reluctant to use them in the quantities that would make much diff. But I have some old lager slurry I am going to use for the last time so there is no need to 'protect the yeast' from too much hops...
  4. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    The new bloke, Steve should start his own thread to keep us all in the loop. Every other retailer milked the forum to get things kicked off. (No offence) I would like to know how he is going. There is a lot of people, albeit tight wads like me, on AHB that would buy from him with $6 postage for...
  5. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    I agree with "freedom of speach" but I wish we could delete posts.
  6. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    And then......... There was nothing but stunned silence. All the best Mark Steve
  7. SJW

    temp probe outside or in fermenter?

    Probe in with cling wrap over the top of fermenter.
  8. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    Nice, I will hold out and make do with the last of a bulk buy I had to do as Mark was running down stock. Look forward to meeting you Steve. Steve
  9. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    Thats what Mrs SJW says too :(
  10. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    I dont think Kirk is going to keep anyone on their toes. (Sorry Kirk) Unless someone is selling key rings and beer coasters. I have not been filled with awe inspiring brewing confidence after visiting him. Time will tell though. Supplies are getting low though so I hope this new mystery man...
  11. SJW

    Mangrove Jack Craft Series Yeasts

    Ok she is away now, I hope it fully attenuates. Not too worried about lag time as long as it does its job.
  12. SJW

    Mangrove Jack Craft Series Yeasts

    I pitched M84 Boh Lager 24 hours ago at 20 deg C. It dropped to 15 deg C pretty quick, but still no action. Is this normal? I hate dry yeast
  13. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    If I get my bottle filled i don't want to swap it. Mine is in mint condition, I don't want some rusty dinged up bottle.
  14. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    I think its great news. Mark needed to get out , for various reasons that he may or may not share with everyone, and if a local guy has bought it and is all pumped about an new business it's a win
  15. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    Yes it was the Bluetongue Brewery old mill. I believe the new shop will be run from the owner place at Raymond Terrace. Also Mark had no special deal with Fastways, believe me, anyone can ship at those rates, just most choose to add a bit extra for themselves. I thought of buying his business...
  16. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    I am fairly sure the new owner is not going to make up orders that have allegedly be payed to the previous owner.
  17. SJW

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    We will be informed of the new arrangements a soon as they are finalised. But NO he won't be employing Mark, hence him selling the business, and I am assured we can pick up from the new shop. Brew builder will be sold with the business.
  18. SJW

    Sydney Bulk Grain Buy

    Can you check first and see if Amarillo is available this time. I am keen for 1/2 and 1/2 cascade
  19. SJW

    Fast fermentation

    Dont let your Ale yeast go too much over 20 deg C. Up to 25 Deg C you might get away with, depending on the style. I use US-05 dry or 1056 Wyeast for most ales and a Wyeast Lager and I drop the ales to 18 deg C and let them rise up to 20 deg C. With Lagers I drop em to 10 Deg C and let them rise...
  20. SJW

    Fermenting with US05 and T58 - How cold is too cold?

    I understand the context of this comment. But for me, if I wanted cheap beer I would just go and buy a case. My hourly rate alone for one brew days labour would buy me plenty of cases of beer. Its easy to make cheap beer. Just get a tin and a kg of sugar. The fact you are doing all grain and...