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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. SJW

    Commercial Mash Schedules

    Does anyone have an example or know first hand what type of mash schedule a full on commercial brewery would use? Lagers or Ales. All-grain brewers are aware that Beta and Alpha Amylase enzymes break the chains of glucose that form starch, but im trying to figure out what happens in the real...
  2. SJW

    Stainless steel 44 gallon drums (Brisbane)

    Out of interest........what would you use them for?
  3. SJW

    Going back to do an extract -HELP PLEASE

    Down 30 points to1.030 and tastes ok. Heaps of hop bitterness and flavour. Can't wait to fire the BM up this week. Love the control I have with all grain brewing
  4. SJW

    Going back to do an extract -HELP PLEASE

    Ha ha, I bet. Anyway the new element turned up Friday and it's in and working fine. So lucky I will only have done the one extract brew. For the record I boiled 10 litres and there was break material. But as I boiled in my s/s fermenter I just cooled and pitched the yeast. **** the OG was high...
  5. SJW

    Going back to do an extract -HELP PLEASE

    Hi there. My Braumeister has blown an element, so while I'm waiting for a new one, Ross :(, I thought I would give an extract a go. Its been 15 years since I did an extract an I have a question. As I still have the hops from the brew I was doing when the BM blew up I just bought 2 x 1.5 Kg tins...
  6. SJW

    Braumeister 20L tripping safety switch

    Thanks mate, it's just the 10 litre. Will do.
  7. SJW

    Braumeister 20L tripping safety switch

    Hey tfxm, did you ever resolve this issue? Mines doing the same thing now after 100s of brews. One thing is raining here and the humidity might be playing a part. Anyway the heater even tripped when pluged into the dedicated high amp pool circuit. I'm not sparky but I got no idea, and a BM full...
  8. SJW

    Carbonation drops

    All good ;) Keep up the good work, after's just beer. Have a great new year Steve.
  9. SJW

    Carbonation drops

    Are you serious. How much would 30 sugar sachets cost compared with..........A $1 kg bag of sugar that u would only use about 300grams of for bulk priming? Waste of time, money and landfill imo
  10. SJW

    Carbonation drops

    I love what I was told when starting out brewing, and I asked about carbonation drops. I was told to feed them to the dog and bulk prime. Best thing I ever did, prior to kegs
  11. SJW

    How many litres did you brew in 2014?

    750 litres for me this year, all for me too
  12. SJW

    Brewman takes over Mark's Home Brewing (NSW)

    Mine turned up yesterday. Less than 24 hour turn around from when I payed till it landed on my doorstep. But what makes it better is it was a large order and was 100% perfect. I hope Steve does well out of this new business and I would encourage everyone to give him a go as the shipping rates...
  13. SJW

    Glad wrap lids

    I alway use glad wrap as a lid. Easy to see whats going on and easy to drop the temp probe in for accurate temp control. Why the floc would you need a sterile lid for anyway? it aint Bourbon in oak barrels.
  14. SJW

    Brewman takes over Mark's Home Brewing (NSW)

    Finally used up all my bulk malt from when MHB was shutting down, and placed my first order. $5 delivery for 3 brews worth of grain WTF. I dont scratch my arse for $5. Looking forward to using up the rest of my hops so I can start placing complete orders. I hope the business is picking up for...
  15. SJW

    Crystal Sweetness

    I rarley use crystal these days is unless its absolutly required. I tend to adjust mash temps for similar results
  16. SJW

    How much beer do you drink?

    I know I drink fur too much, so say my doctor, but every year my liver function test comes back perfect, so he says.........ok keep up the good work
  17. SJW

    How much beer do you drink?

    I drink a about 5 pints a night and a few more on weekends because I'm not at work. My name is Stave and I'm an alcholocholic
  18. SJW

    What to do with 500g of 2% A/A Tettnang

    I bumped this till next weekend. Father's Day and all, I can't be bothered.
  19. SJW

    What to do with 500g of 2% A/A Tettnang

    I got the hops in the previous Sydney Bulk Buy. It just odd that they are only 2.1% a/a They smell great but. Yep, as I use the BM i always incorp a 52 deg C or so rest for 10 min, the 61 deg C for 30 min then 71 for 60 Min, then 78. I am using a BM, so there is a bit of room under the tap...