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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. 3GumsBrewing

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Tell me about it I had this 40L Birko and Crown Urns saved as an eBay serch for 2 months and the day I pay for my new Crown Urn ($260) this pops up in my email!! :angry: Ah well DK
  2. 3GumsBrewing

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Ha Ha, I want a *Rare* blue one! ^_^ Anyway, say this today - 40L Birko Urn Melb DK
  3. 3GumsBrewing

    Starting Wyeast

    Ready for a silly question? (you would think after 5 years on AHB i would know this! ;) ) I have always used Wyeast and followed the method below fairly closely, I am getting a few new liquid yeasts from Gryphon shortly. I don't have to vary the method right? Does it matter that the yeast is...
  4. 3GumsBrewing

    Fix For Crown Urn Boiling Issues

    Just ordered my 40L Crown Urn from here - Catering Wholesalers who are in Botany and great to deal with. Excellent price as well - $262.35 all up. No affiliation, just a bit of info for fellow Sydney brewers who hate paying postage! :D DK
  5. 3GumsBrewing

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Disclaimer - Warning, Warning these are my items for sale!! 2 Ball Lock Kegs Harp Lager Beer Tap Kilkenny Beer Tap Andale Twin Font Wouldn't want any AHB'ers to miss out! :ph34r: DK
  6. 3GumsBrewing

    Fix For Crown Urn Boiling Issues

    Thanks for the great post, I am sourcing one as we speak, cheapest i can find is from this mob - Linky. Evilbay is only turning up 20 and 30 L ones at the moment. DK
  7. 3GumsBrewing

    What are you brewing II ?

    Put this down on the weekend - can't wait to try it! Weizenbock Batch Size: 5.50 L Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU 1175.21 gm Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (2.0 SRM) Grain 59.50 % 290.00 gm Munich II (Weyermann) (8.5 SRM) Grain 14.68 % 260.00 gm Pale Malt (Barrett Burston) (2.0 SRM)...
  8. 3GumsBrewing

    Fix For Crown Urn Boiling Issues

    Sold on the idea of a Crown now. Hurry up birthday money :P DK
  9. 3GumsBrewing

    Platinum Cellars

    Yep, thats the one, it used to be quite good. I even picked up a few Rouge beers there once. I will try the Australian. No way I am being bent over a barrel at the Belgian, that place is only good for when the bosses corporate credit card comes out :super: DK
  10. 3GumsBrewing

    Platinum Cellars

    Quick question for Sydney peeps, can't get to Platimum today and the North Sydney bottlo has gone to sh!t, any decent bottle shops in the CBD? Cheers DK
  11. 3GumsBrewing

    Anyone Had Dodgy Wyeast?

    Nope, but it can't be as bad as this yeast - LINKY :D DK
  12. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw Special Case Swap

    Got a little 5L test batch of this sucker down on the weekend, its a IPA, but depending how it turns out I might up it to a DIPA. Beer Profile Est Original Gravity: 1.078 SG Est Final Gravity: 1.023 SG Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 7.22 % Bitterness: 40.9 IBU Calories: 90 cal/l Est Color: 22.9...
  13. 3GumsBrewing

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Got my first JAO down on the weekend, easy as! Thanks for whacking this recipe up. One question just how vigorous is the fermenting supposed to be. Maybe I am too impatient, how does one wait 3 months!
  14. 3GumsBrewing

    Beersmith Updated Grain Price, Hop Aa% Price Lists

    Good work, I kept getting an error when i was trying to upload them in bsm format, thats why I put them up as xml. Cheers DK
  15. 3GumsBrewing

    Beersmith Updated Grain Price, Hop Aa% Price Lists

    Egads! Right click I guess.. They work fine for me in firefox.
  16. 3GumsBrewing

    Beersmith Updated Grain Price, Hop Aa% Price Lists

    Hi Fellow Beer Smith Users, I like to keep track of the cost of my brews and found that updating the unit price for the hops and grains every time I input a recipe a chore, so whilst I was bored at work yesterday I decided to update the Hop AA % and Unit Price and also update the Unit Price...
  17. 3GumsBrewing

    Basic Brewing Radio Vs Brewing Network

    BN all the way, I have not been listening to the Sunday Session show as regularly as I used to, but I love their "Can You Brew It" podcasts. Latest one was Rouge Dead Guy Ale. Top stuff that if you have tried it fresh on tap in the US. DK
  18. 3GumsBrewing

    Nsw Special Case Swap

    Easter 2010 Special Case Swap. One beer from both BJCP categories 13. INDIA PALE ALE 13.1 English IPA 13.2 American IPA 13.3 Imperial IPA 15. BELGIAN STRONG ALE (>6% ABV) 15.1 Belgian Blond Ale 15.2 Belgian Strong Golden Ale 15.3 Tripel 15.4 Dubbel 15.5 Belgian Strong Dark Ale 1...
  19. 3GumsBrewing

    July/aug '09 Zymurgy

    Hey Doc, the July/Aug issue of Zymurgy will be my first, just wondering how late they get delivered here, I think I remember they had some distribution issues a while ago.
  20. 3GumsBrewing

    Temp Control During Fermentation - Please Help A Newbie

    Ja, I whack the fermenter into the old chest freezer, sometimes with a heater and fridgemate, some times without (depending on season). Check every day or so. Dood do yourself a favor and get yourself a temp controler. Easily the best improvement in the quality of your beer you will get. DK