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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. W

    Introduce Yourself.

    Hello all you brewers! Great to get so much info. and general fun stuff about brewing. I've had 3 goes at brewing, all with success, but the beer is better now than it ever has been. The first was when I was at school (70s) - ha, things were not as strict back then. My brother and I bought a...
  2. W

    Basic Mash Starter Kit

    If you get a chance, have a look at how a few people are doing it. It can be done pretty simply, without the elegance of the setups seen on the web. Most of them appear to be the dream setups that I aml envious of. You can start with and esky and couple of buckets, then add bits and pieces...
  3. W

    The Cost Of Living.....and Drinking

    I found the double cans a bit on the thick and sticky side for my liking, but this one below goes down pretty well - for what it is. To go really cheap (and still be enjoyable), get the farmland / bilo lager $7.48 / $6, a coopers brew enhancer 2 about $5.50, add 10g of your favourite hops -...
  4. W

    The Cost Of Living.....and Drinking

    Hey Gerard, pick up a farmland lager for $7.50.
  5. W

    Will This Be A Good Brew ?

    Sounds like it will be pretty good to me - but would need a schooner or two just to be sure
  6. W

    How Do You Pronounce It?

    Hallertau has always been a word I've wondered about howto say. Especially since there's a footballer now.
  7. W

    Kit & Booster Prices

    Congrats Brad - I've been wondering how the status of people changes. Guess I have a long way to go.
  8. W

    Social Networking For Beer Snobs

    Looks pretty international. Have you added any AU ones?
  9. W

    Kit & Booster Prices

    That's the great thing about this hobby, it just keeps tasting better the longer you keep making it. I'm a big fan of Toohey new when I'm out. They don't claim it tastes good, and it goes down well. I can't afford the beers on tap that I would like the drink. I sent you a couple of web links...
  10. W

    Kit & Booster Prices

    Actually makes it a lot of fun, as you can change the mix and the tastes and gets you on the way to moving from can brewing to all grain brewing as you experiement with tastes that you have created. I have 2 favourite home brew shops, one in the North and the other in the South of Sydney. They...
  11. W

    Kit & Booster Prices

    Just a thought, if you are paying that much, why not get one of the 3kg cans, or better still a fresh wort kit? If you want to save a bit, buy some dry malt extract, dextrose and hops in a larger quantity, then add them to a basic (i.e. cheaper) can. Something like this: Basic Can 500g dry...