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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. W

    How Much Would You Pay For A Home Brewing Mag

    With great resources like the internet and books like John Palmer's "How to Brew", I can't really see the point of magainzes for home brewers. I can imagine that the mag would sell well to people just starting out, wanting to get as much info as possible about all the various cans & kits out...
  2. W

    Art Of Getting Paid To Drink

    Could become a cult movie to drink to down at the local. Put it on the big screen, drink a beer and see if you can go further than she does.
  3. W

    Cultivating Yeast From Commercial Beer

    Thanks for your help. I'll get drinking and try a few beers.
  4. W

    Cultivating Yeast From Commercial Beer

    I'd be interested to know if anyone has had success with starting a culture from a commercial wheat beer. I normally brew with whitelab's yeast, but since this isn't a style I plan on doing a lot of, I'd be interested in trying a few beers and seeing if they start. Many years ago (90s) I did...
  5. W

    Long Necks? Tallies?

    Seriosly though empty PET 1.25l litre work pretty well, just looks bad and it is light sensitive (so store it in the dark). Just adjust the amout of priming sugar acccordingly. Also, it's OK to leave the beer in the primary or secondary for a few extra days while you get the bottles together...
  6. W

    Long Necks? Tallies?

    Getting lower - You could always look through the recycling bins in your street. Hate to admit it bit I've done it, but it was before the plastic wheelie bins so you could see them as you walked past. Another option, just buy a dozen from the bottle shop and drink them, done that one too.
  7. W

    Long Necks? Tallies?

    you can always use soft drink PET bottles, or buy special beer ones at Coles / Bilo for about $12 for 15.
  8. W

    Tooheys Kit

    Maybe give the bottles a good shake and leave them another week or so
  9. W

    Ginger Beer Soft Drink - Success

    Glad to hear it works. My kids want some for Christmas, so I'm hoping the alcohol is really low.
  10. W

    Coopers Brew Enhancer 2

    It's good for pretty much everything, and much better than a kg of sugar or dextrose. Guess it depends on how thick (mouth feel) you like your beer. Some homebrew shops sell different enhancers for different types of beers by varying the mixure a bit.
  11. W

    Brewers -- Mash Paddle 2006 Is A Porter !

    Thanks, I look forward to some of the other styles as well.
  12. W

    Brewers -- Mash Paddle 2006 Is A Porter !

    Please don't shoot me down (I'm new to this forum), can someone give me a link where I can get some background on ANAWBS and the waht mash paddle legend is all about? Here's a Michael Jackson take on porter:
  13. W

    Coopers Brew Enhancer 2

    Hey I've made a lot of beers using this, seems to work well, but not sure of the % ages. I usually add some extra hops and use a good yeast, can't go past it for a quick and easy beer. Good luck with it.
  14. W

    Kegging V Bottling

    Could you do your secondary in the keg, or would this make the beer cloudy?
  15. W

    James Squire Amber Ale

    Thanks guys, I'll buy some Amarillo and have a play.
  16. W

    James Squire Amber Ale

    Well I'm back from bottling a cold lager, and kicking off a new Pils, so after a few samples, here's another thought. The part of brewing I dislike the most is bottling (ok, I'll get a keg one day), the 2nd least likeable part is the boil. So while doing a boil is defintely the right answer...
  17. W

    James Squire Amber Ale

    Hi Beer I'll have a crack at some advice, but there are many ways of getting a good result and many different opinions. I'd skip the maltodexrin, as there is plenty of malt already in your recipe and I don't really like thick beers that much anyway. The decision you need to make with the hops...
  18. W

    Computer Display Brewing Temps.

    Thanks for the great writeup. I've been wondering how to make a waterproof probe, so I can monitor my mash temperature more closely. I've been using this circuit in my fridge for 6 months or so to log the temperature. I just keep an eye on the temp. when I'm working on my PC, which is most...
  19. W

    Basic Mash Starter Kit

    Don't forget a thermometer with a range of 0- 100C. You can get an analogue one from Bilo in the kitchen section, or many of the digital multimeters have temperature probes. J-Car sells one for $20.
  20. W

    Basic Mash Starter Kit

    I bought the copper tube from bunnings for about that and just bent it around something.