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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. cdbrown

    Stepped Mashing Schedules By Style

    Lately I've been doing 52/63-66/72/78 for 10/80-60/10/10 with the sacc rest adjusted based on what I want. I think it's helped with the brewhouse efficiency as my last brew was about 78% compared to the normal 70% for single step with mash out.
  2. cdbrown

    Yeast Starter

    I have been advised previously on this forum that typically in a starter you get about 100B cells per L. For a 1.065 OG and 58L beersmith says you want 687B for the ferment, so 7L starter or 4 packs of dried yeast.
  3. cdbrown

    How Long Can You Keep A Half Empty Keg?

    I've got an irish red which has been in the keg for about 10 months (chilled and carbed) and no problems. I'm guessing there's only a few pints left in it (although that's what I've been thinking for the past 6 months). It was the 2nd keg of the batch and have brewed numerous other beers since...
  4. cdbrown

    Bloody Refractometer!

    I think the question was more related to how you're getting your sample from the fermenter - opening the top/removing gladwrap and taking from there, or pouring a sample from the tap and taking it from there
  5. cdbrown

    Australia Day 2012. What's In Your Glass?

    The mighty red death! I had a couple of cans of Emu Bitter if that makes you feel any better. Then some homebrew altbier
  6. cdbrown

    Beersmith 2 - Mash Details Don't Stick

    I get annoying little errors like that during step mash. I have it set to 3L/kg for mash in and all other steps. Some times when adding a step - 52 - 64 - 72 - 78 one will say to add -0.01L and the next step +0.01L even though all steps have 3L/kg and I've used temperature type (rather than...
  7. cdbrown

    Bloody Refractometer!

    Is it normal for it to go from 14.5 down to 6.25 and then back up to 7.5??
  8. cdbrown

    Fluid Mechanics Help Please

    Now you got me thinking that I could use the miracle box I have (got 3 of them) to pre-chill the tap water before being run through the immersion chiller. The current water temps out of the tap means I only get down to 30c and then it's up to the fridge to help that last bit. Having the...
  9. cdbrown

    Little Creatures Online Q & A

    I wonder how much information they will actually part with during this Q&A
  10. cdbrown

    Gryphon Brew Day Sunday 22nd Jan 10am

    Annoyed that I missed the brew day, may have to stop past on my way home from work one night and take a look (and some of your beer).
  11. cdbrown

    2011 Sandgropers Tasting Thread

    1. Jimboley - Kick Arse Dry Stout JYO- What an awesome beer! I love a good stout and this is right up there, mate. Reminds me of Coopers Best Extra, yet with a drier finish. Yeast? Ticked all the boxes of Kickarsedness for me. Maybe this could be renamed '******' Awesome Stout'. Fish - Had...
  12. cdbrown

    Preboil For 70 Liter Kettle

    I would have thought somewhere between 51 - 55L if looking for 46L post boil in pot. If it has the same diameter as the 40L then the boil off will be about the same - given the same rolling boil strength. In my 50L keggle I normally have a pre-boil of 46L and watch it like a hawk until it's...
  13. cdbrown

    Nrvs And Flat Beer Questions.

    NRV should prevent both gas and fluid flowing back to the reg. The amount of carbonation depends on how long the gas has been off and the size of the leak (which it sounds you have). Even though it's kept cold, CO2 doesn't want to be in solution, it only stays in there (and gets absorbed) due...
  14. cdbrown

    Kegging - No Flow From Tap

    I've had issues with a heavily hopped bear where the blockage occured around the poppet in the post. Another time I dry hopped the keg with some flowers I grew and that clogged the dip tube. Initially I thought it was just somewhere in the disconnect or tap, but after hooking up a picnic tap...
  15. cdbrown

    Gryphon Brew Day Sunday 22nd Jan 10am

    For sure. You must have a few pilsners sitting in your coolroom waiting to be tasted?
  16. cdbrown

    Gryphon Brew Day Sunday 22nd Jan 10am

    I'll try to drop buy and check it out - but don't worry about any food for me.
  17. cdbrown

    Going To The West Coast Usa

    Any specific reason for Heretic visit? They are sharing the space with EJ Phair Brewing (so I guess you could see two micros at the same time) but I don't think Heretic do any servings on site.
  18. cdbrown

    Probably A Lost Batch: But What Can I Learn?

    As mentioned - try to smell and taste the starter next time. At least that will either rule that out as the cause or save you from pitching an infected starter into a good wort. Always handy to have dry yeast packets as back up if the infected starter does occur. Be aware that the smell from...
  19. cdbrown

    2011 Sandgropers Tasting Thread

    1. Jimboley - Kick Arse Dry Stout JYO- What an awesome beer! I love a good stout and this is right up there, mate. Reminds me of Coopers Best Extra, yet with a drier finish. Yeast? Ticked all the boxes of Kickarsedness for me. Maybe this could be renamed '******' Awesome Stout'. Fish - Had...
  20. cdbrown

    Taking Gravity Readings

    From the tap - also using gladwrap as the lid.