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  1. cdbrown

    Wa Aka Sandgropers Xmas Case Swap 2011

    A lot better than my planned sticky label with the details hand written.
  2. cdbrown

    Wa Aka Sandgropers Xmas Case Swap 2011

    You can borrow my spare gas bottle if you like?
  3. cdbrown

    Let Starter Ferment Out?

    Temp is fine, I wouldn't want to increase it more than that - give it a good swirl every time you think of it to help it along (or put it on a stirplate). For my starters on a stirplate there is no krausen at all due to the stirring.
  4. cdbrown

    Wa Aka Sandgropers Xmas Case Swap 2011

    1. Jimboley - Attending swap - Dry Stout (keg of Spencers Ranga Ale) 2. keifer33 - Attending Swap. - 10 Min IPA 3. cdbrown - Swap Hoster. - American Brown (keg of APA, AusPA, ABA) 4. sinkas - Attending swap - Kiwi pale ale - wont bring a keg, will bring some beer of some sort 5. Edge - attending...
  5. cdbrown

    Wa Aka Sandgropers Xmas Case Swap 2011

    Evil G has a beez neez type brew dry hopped with nelson - well that's what he was planning on.
  6. cdbrown

    Wa Aka Sandgropers Xmas Case Swap 2011

    Kick-off for the day is 2pm. Will do the swap a little later when everyone arrives (or there abouts).
  7. cdbrown

    Drew's Brew's Bar Upgrade

    I used marine ply for mine for extra strength - it's solid (and heavy) with the jarrah tongue and groove locking it all together. The boards along the front will look great. You putting in a foot rail?
  8. cdbrown

    Drew's Brew's Bar Upgrade

    I used floor laquer on mine and it's come up a real treat. Make sure you bog up all the gaps as they really become evident after the 1st coat. I'm guessing you glued the boards down rather than nailing - any reason? My boards were nailed and the skirting board nailed and glued - no need for...
  9. cdbrown

    Scales For Measuring Grain

    I have this and very happy with it. Was $39 with free delivery so search around for it.
  10. cdbrown

    Cold Side Total Reorganisation

    That's generally what I do, but have in the past racked off the trub and chilled which then further reduces the amount of trub which gets stirred up into the beer during kegging/bottling. But it's a step which I've stopped as I don't feel the benefit is enough compared to the time (cleaning and...
  11. cdbrown

    Cold Side Total Reorganisation

    I don't understand why you can't use the aeration nozzle and go from the no chill cube direct to the willow ferment vessel and bypass the barrel vessel? Those nozzles do a great job of introducing air into the wort - much better than slosh/splash. That removes one vessel from the chain and one...
  12. cdbrown

    Wa Aka Sandgropers Xmas Case Swap 2011

    1. Jimboley - Attending swap- Dry Stout 2. keifer33 - Attending Swap. - 10 Min IPA 3. cdbrown - Swap Hoster. - American Brown (keg of APA, AusPA, ABA) 4. sinkas - 5. Bizier - Trying to attend swap (roster pending) - Brown Eye Ale 6. spoonta - attending swap - english pale ale (keg of wheat beer)...
  13. cdbrown

    Tv Display Help For Bar

    I have overlooked something which will make this problem go away. Both screens have LAN ports and support streaming over the network. So I don't actually need the mame pc to drive mame on the lcd and a movie on the plasma. I'll just open the movie from the plasma and let mame pc play the mame...
  14. cdbrown

    Tv Display Help For Bar

    Been a while since I started this thread - but I've now decided on a Samsung PS51D8000 plasma for the bar wall and a LA32D550 LCD for the cabinet. Currently looking at a pc which has a Asus P8H61-MX/SI motherboard which has 3 audio ports on the back and has 8-channel audio output when combined...
  15. cdbrown

    Hop Hog Clone

    I ordered my salts from Ross.
  16. cdbrown

    Wa Aka Sandgropers Xmas Case Swap 2011

    1. Jimboley - 2. keifer33 - Attending Swap. - 10 Min IPA 3. cdbrown - Swap Hoster. - American Brown (keg of APA, AusPA, ABA) 4. sinkas - 5. Bizier - 6. spoonta - attending swap - english pale ale (keg of wheat beer) 7. Evil G - 8. jyo - 9. Mikey - swapping (not attending) 10. biggo - 11. NME -...
  17. cdbrown

    Wa Aka Sandgropers Xmas Case Swap 2011

    Good idea - I have big trouble in remembering peoples names at the best of times. Will pick up a packet of sticky labels which can be used for name tags. So please people, make sure to label the bottles with both names. As people confirm I'll PM the address and contact details.
  18. cdbrown

    Hop Hog Clone

    I was very happy with the brew - got 4th in the state comp with 37/50. I think the galaxy and citra worked really well. I made a APA with a similar mix of hops as you and it's come out a little muddled. Next time I'll do a 60min and 45min addition to increase the bitterness aiming for 65IBU...